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University Physical Education, Requirements


Athlete’s exemption

  • Based on certificate issued for national team members and tier 1 national league athletes, which certificate shall include the type of sport, the signature of the head coach, and a stamp. See “Athlete’s exemption” form
  • Közgáz SC and Students’ Sports Club (DSK) athlete: with coach’s certificate at the end of the semester. At the beginning of the semester, please upload a short text  (in word format) to the Moodle about which training (sport and coach) you will attend.

The exemption shall be uploaded every semester (until 15th October in the 1st semester and until 15th March in the 2nd semester) to Moodle!

Please send questions about athlete exemptions to the e-mail address csaba.vladar@uni-corvinus.hu

In Neptun, the student concerned shall register for the SP (athlete’s exemption) course within the physical education subject. The condition of registering for the athlete’s exemption is participation in the Hungarian University and University-College National Championships!!! 

Sportolói felmentés
The document is currently not available.

Exemption for health reasons

The certificate shall include that the doctor recommends exemption from physical education, as well as the duration of the recommended period (the semester concerned, the entire academic year, etc.).

In Neptun, the student concerned shall register for the EÜ (exemption for health reasons) course within the physical education subject.

The exemption shall be uploaded every semester (until 15th October in the 1st semester and until 15th March in the 2nd semester) to Moodle!

Please send questions related to health exemptions to the e-mail address adrienn.balogh@uni-corvinus.hu.

General Information

Registercode for 2024/25/1 semester: TES_TESTNEVA

There are 2 types of P.E. classes:

Courses for free:

cardio work out, crossfit, soccer, rowing, floorball, running, yoga, jujutsu, basketball, kayak-canoe, gym, pilates, table tennis, volleyball, chess, step aerobic and strengthening, posture improvement exercise, tabata, badminton, trambouline, TRX, hiking, swimming, folk dance, ballroom dancing, zumba, salsa, bachata

Courses for extra charge – you have to pay at first through Neptun, after that you can apply for the course.

  • tennis – to be paid through NEPTUN

 Payment procedure is: Finances/Payment/Transcribe Item/Payment titles: Service/Terms: 2024/25/1/Service Type: Fee for Tennis class (14.000 ,-HUF)/Create Item/Transfer

For BSc students:

  • PE is an obligatory subject, you HAVE TO complete two courses during your first two academic years.
  • You can only register for one PE course a semester through Neptun system.
  • IMPORTANT! In case of non-completion of the physical education course, the fee set out in Annex 4 of the Regulation on student fees and benefits will be payable after the end of the semester.
  • Should a student miss two classes at the beginning of the semester, her/his name will be automatically deleted by the teacher, exept the student inform the teacher via e-mail or personally about the reason of the absence during the first 2 weeks.

For ALL MSc students (and for THOSE Bsc students who have already fulfilled their two PE semesters):

  • You CAN attend at “free” P.E. classes, if you would like to, WITH registration through the Neptun system for 5.000,- HUF registration fee.
  • Payment procedure is:
  • Finances/Payment/Transcribe Item/Payment titles: Service/Terms: 2024/25/1 Service Type: Fee for Physical Education class (5.000 ,-HUF)/Create Item/Transfer

MSc students: In connection with the change in the “Training and output requirements of higher education vocational courses, basic and master’s courses, and faith courses applicable from the academic year 2022/23”, starting from the semester 2022/23/1, it is possible to choose the subject of physical education as an optional subject for 2 credits (in an ascending system).Subject code in this case: TS00001NMMB The following courses cannot be selected as credit courses: tennis, hiking, healthy lifestyle presentation, folk dance.

Conditions of acceptance

  • Active class participation (please don’t be late!)
  • During a semester you can miss five classes. You have to make up for two of them. Please ask your PE teacher about the make-up possibilities.
  • Please make up for your missed classes in short time (two weeks). Don’t postpone it until the final weeks of the semester.
  • You can even make up for your classes IN ADVANCE.
  • You can only take part in one PE class per day, regardless of whether it’s a regular or a make-up class. At a make-up class, please ask your PE teacher for a written confirmation.


  • For the classes held in the sports hall it is recommended to bring a towel to cover the gym mat with, because of health reasons. For the same reasons it is obligatory to use a towel in the gym.
  • Use of change clothes, change shoes, own towels is mandatory! In the absence of these, the student cannot attend the class, the missing class must be made up!

You can take part on the PE classes on your own risk, please choose the appropriate class by your health condition. In case you have some health problem and miss the class, please contact your teacher immediately.

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