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Last update: February 2025

A freemover is a student who wishes to study abroad independent of any exchange program. Freemover students are welcome to apply to Corvinus University of Budapest to study independently. Freemover students have the same access to all the university coordinated programs and courses taught in English as our other degree-seeking students. Students are required to register for at least 18 ECTS worth of courses per semester. 

Application for the 2025 Fall semester is open from March 1st to May 12th.


Application Process

Application requirements

  • Active student status at your home university
    • Proof to provide: An official letter from your home university in English showing that your degree program will not finish before your Freemover semester – you will still be enrolled in your home university program as an active student. You’ll have to show a signed hard copy of this document at your in-person enrolment at the beginning of the semester.
    • Transcript of Records from your present university
  • English language proficiency of min. B2 level
    • Corvinus University accepts the following VALID complex language exams. The language exam must be valid at the time of application and should not expire before the day of enrolment. 
 Intermediate B2 FCE 6.0 65 72 785100
  • or a completed bachelor’s /master’s degree in English (English major), and/or where the language of instruction was English
  • or a high school graduation certificate where the language of instruction was English
  • or certificate issued by your home university that in your current program the language of instruction is English
  • or a certificate issued by your home university to confirm that your English level reaches min. B2 level 

Application deadline

Applications for the 2025 Fall semester can be submitted from March 1st to May 12th, 2025 via DreamApply.

If you apply from a non-EU country and you need visa to travel to Hungary, please take into consideration that the visa process might take long and make sure you submit your Freemover application early.

Practical Matters

List of Partner Institutions

The student’s home university may already have an Erasmus partnership or other agreement with Corvinus University of Budapest. This means that the student can be nominated through the partnership program (e.g:Erasmus). However,they can freely apply as a Freemover student too. We do not recommend sending in applications via both channels, our Freemover applicants mostly opt for this option as Erasmus places have often limited number of seats available or we do not have an partnership agreement with their home university.

In case the applicant’s home university is in the Unites States please check if the institute has a partnership agreement with Corvinus University as a part of its Study Abroad program.

See the list of our partner institutions below.

Transferring Credits

Freemover students are responsible for following the regulations of their own home universities with regards to study abroad and credit acceptance. Before committing to a semester at Corvinus, freemovers should first confirm with their home universities that their credits earned at Corvinus will be accepted at their home universities.

Course List and Syllabi

Please find the 2025 Spring course lists attached below. Note that these lists are subject to change in the 2025 Fall semester. Syllabi can be shared on an individual request basis if you reach out to us in email.

Tuition fees

€130 per credit for undergraduate/bachelor courses

€140 per credit for graduate/master courses

Students are required to register for at least 18 ECTS worth of courses per semester.

The tuition fee is calculated based on the number and level of ECTS (credits) the student is registered on and at least 18 ECTS worth tuition fee will be invoiced.

Those applicants who receive a Conditional Acceptance decision must make 2 credits’ worth preliminary payment as application fee via our education system (Neptun) before course registration. Payment details will be provided in email. This amount will be deducted from the full tuition fee.

If one fails to pay this non-refundable 2-credit payment until the deadline, their application will be rejected.

The tuition fee (minimum and non-refundable, includes 18 credits) will be charged before the semester starts (appr. July 27th). The student may register for more credits than the minimum in May, in this case the tuition invoice will include these extra credits as well.

The rest of the tuition fee is also non-refundable after this date.

Changing courses is still possible during the final registration in September.

Paying the tuition fee in monthly installments is not possible.

The credit-based tuition fee covers only the courses at Corvinus University, all additional costs (e.g. housing, travel) must be arranged and paid by the student.

Academic Calendar

The first day of the 2025 Fall semester is September 1, 2025 (Orientation week), the last day of the exam period is January 24, 2026.

Recommended arrival day: September 9th, in-person orientation/enrolment session: September 10th.

Academic regulations

All academic and administrative regulations apply to visiting studentswhile they are studying at Corvinus. Please see below.

Related Documents

Health Insurance

All students are responsible for arranging for appropriate health and liability insurance during their
studies at Corvinus University of Budapest and their stay in Hungary. Corvinus University of Budapest is
not and shall not be in any way liable for any costs arising from a student’s illnesses, accidents, property
damage/loss, etc.

Health insurance

Hungarian legal regulations require all students studying in Hungary to have a valid health insurance
policy. In general, health insurance policies usually cover only emergency medical care (please read the
small-print!). If a student has any chronic illnesses, the student must make additional arrangements as
the usual short-term health insurance policy will not cover costs related to such illnesses. If a student has
a long-term or chronic illness, he or she must arrange – prior to arrival – an appropriate private health
insurance valid in Hungary.
Most EEA students can get the European Health Card which is also valid for use in Hungary. For details
on what it covers and how any arising costs are to be paid, please check with your own Health Care
Students who do not have a health insurance policy upon arrival to Hungary can make arrangements for
a health insurance policy covering emergency medical care through the ISP Office.

Liability insurance

Students will be legally and financially responsible for any accidents, injuries, or damages caused by them
to someone else or someone else’s property, and hence shall be fully responsible for bearing any and all
arising costs and duties. It is recommended that all students have a valid liability insurance during their
stay in Hungary.

Student ID Card

Non-degree students receive the temporary student ID paper for their time at Corvinus during the Orientation week.You must renew it at your coordinator’s office as it is only valid for 60 days. It is the students responsibility to renew the ID card at the due date.


Ms. Mária Vadász


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