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CIAS & Institute / Research Centre Visiting Research Excellence Fellowship Application 2025/26

An international hub for research excellence in the heart of Central Europe

Get to know CIAS

CIAS is the international research excellence hub of Corvinus University in Budapest. Our objective is to foster the development and dissemination of advanced knowledge in our respective disciplines of study, as well as to facilitate professional collaboration among scholars and other societal stakeholders. We seek to achieve this goal in two ways: by operating research centres with permanently appointed researchers and by offering visiting research fellowships (henceforth referred to as Fellowship) to outstanding international scholars.

CIAS offers its Fellowship for a 5- or 10-month duration for Junior, Senior, or Non-resident Senior Researchers. We also provide Fellowships for invited distinguished research fellows for shorter durations, but for a minimum of 1 month.

We are pleased to accept candidates who already cooperate with one of the Institutes or Research Centres at Corvinus, as well as those who have not yet established an active connection (they will receive support to initiate joint work with our faculty).

Why should you join CIAS?

CIAS fully supports Fellows so they can concentrate on their professional development, networking, and research in Budapest, the heart of Central Europe.

Year of Foundation
Published Papers
0 +
SCOPUS Citations
0 +
Home country of Research Fellows
0 +
Research Fellowship Categories

Benefits offered by CIAS:

  • Academic networking opportunities at conferences and workshops
  • Fantastic office space that promotes productivity and well-being
  • Vibrant workplace culture
  • Serene and motivating atmosphere
  • Regular excursions and team-building events
  • Common vision and support for collaboration

Alumni Reviews About CIAS

About the Fellowship

  1. Eligibility criteria:
  • Basic eligibility requirements, plus:
  • A minimum of 1 article published in a peer-reviewed international Q1 academic journal (Scimago Journal Ranking)

2. Fellowship structure

Type of FellowshipAmount of funding (before taxes)
Junior CIAS Research Fellow3.200 EUR / month
Extended funding for every type of Fellowship
One-time relocation support from a country of residence in Europe (not only EU)700 EUR
One-time relocation support from a country of residence outside of Europe1.400 EUR
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 1 dependent450 EUR / month
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 2 or more dependents700 EUR / month

3. Expectations and deliverables

  • Submission of at least 1 paper every 5 months to a peer-reviewed international journal, indicating ‘Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS), Corvinus University of Budapest’ as their (second) affiliation:
    • Junior CIAS Research Fellows: At least Q1 or Q2, according to the Scimago Journal Ranking,
  • Presentation of research results at least once every 5 months:
    • Either at the CIAS International Workshop OR
    • A workshop organised by one of the Institutes or Research Centres of Corvinus
  • Provide 1 x 60 minutes / week consultation, mentoring or class opportunity online or in-person for the students and faculty of Corvinus.

Other professional activities undertaken by CIAS Fellows are welcome, but not required. However, the final instalment of the Fellowship is only transferable, if the requisite work is submitted to an acceptable journal.

  1. Eligibility criteria:
  • Junior Research Fellow requirements, plus:
    • Doctoral degree obtained 5 years ago or more.
    • A minimum of 5 articles published in peer-reviewed international Q1 academic journals (Schimago Journal Ranking)

2. Fellowship structure

Type of FellowshipAmount of funding (before taxes)
Senior CIAS Research Fellow4.500 EUR / month
Extended funding for every type of Fellowship
One-time relocation support from a country of residence in Europe (not only EU)700 EUR
One-time relocation support from a country of residence outside of Europe1.400 EUR
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 1 dependent450 EUR / month
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 2 or more dependents700 EUR / month

3. Expectation and deliverables

  • Submission of at least 1 paper every 5 months to a peer-reviewed international journal, indicating ‘Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS), Corvinus University of Budapest’ as their (second) affiliation:
    • Senior CIAS Research Fellows: At least D1 or Q1, according to the Scimago Journal Ranking,
  • Presentation of research results at least once every 5 months:
    • Either at the CIAS International Workshop OR
    • A workshop organised by one of the Institutes or Research Centres of Corvinus
  • Provide 1 x 60 minutes / week consultation, mentoring or class opportunity online or in-person for the students and faculty of Corvinus.

Other professional activities undertaken by CIAS Fellows are welcome, but not required. However, the final instalment of the Fellowship is only transferable, if the requisite work is submitted to an acceptable journal.

  1. Eligibility criteria:
  • Junior Research Fellow requirements, plus:
    • Doctoral degree obtained 5 years ago or more.
    • A minimum of 5 articles published in peer-reviewed international Q1 academic journals (Schimago Journal Ranking)

2. Fellowship structure

Type of FellowshipAmount of funding (before taxes)
Non-resident Senior CIAS Research Fellow4.500 EUR / month while in Budapest
1.500 EUR / month while not in Budapest
Extended funding for every type of Fellowship
One-time relocation support from a country of residence in Europe (not only EU)700 EUR
One-time relocation support from a country of residence outside of Europe1.400 EUR
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 1 dependent450 EUR / month
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 2 or more dependents700 EUR / month

3. Expectation and deliverables

  • Submission of at least 1 paper every 5 months to a peer-reviewed international journal, indicating ‘Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS), Corvinus University of Budapest’ as their (second) affiliation:
    • Non-resident Senior CIAS Research Fellows: At least D1 or Q1, according to the Scimago Journal Ranking
  • Presentation of research results at least once every 5 months:
    • Either at the CIAS International Workshop OR
    • A workshop organised by one of the Institutes or Research Centres of Corvinus
  • Provide 1 x 60 minutes / week consultation, mentoring or class opportunity online or in-person for the students and faculty of Corvinus.

Other professional activities undertaken by CIAS Fellows are welcome, but not required. However, the final instalment of the Fellowship is only transferable, if the requisite work is submitted to an acceptable journal.

  1. Eligibility criteria:
  • Senior CIAS Research Fellow requirements, plus:
    • Letter of invitation from the Dean of CIAS 

2. Fellowship structure

Type of FellowshipAmount of funding (before taxes)
Invited Distinguished CIAS Senior Research FellowStarting from 4.500 EUR / month
Extended funding for every type of Fellowship
One-time relocation support from a country of residence in Europe (not only EU)700 EUR
One-time relocation support from a country of residence outside of Europe1.400 EUR
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 1 dependent450 EUR / month
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 2 or more dependents700 EUR / month


3. Expectation and deliverables

  • Individual requirements for Invited Distinguished CIAS Research Fellows are determined in collaboration with the Head of the Corvinus Institute that invited them.

Other professional activities undertaken by CIAS Fellows are welcome, but not required. However, the final instalment of the Fellowship is only transferable, if the requisite work is submitted to an acceptable journ

Application process

The application is considered complete by the Dean’s Office of CIAS once the following stages have been submitted or completed:
  • Completing the application form.
  • Detailed Statement of Proposed Research and Publication Activity (emailed to cias@uni-corvinus.hu– Download official template via this link.
  • Candidate’s detailed curriculum vitae (emailed to cias@uni-corvinus.hu)
CategoryList of requirements
Basic eligibility criteria (applicable to all categories)
  • Doctoral degree (PhD)
  • Proficiency in English, relevant to the proposed research activity
  • Transparent publication track record (either Scopus or Google Scholar)
  • On-site availability in Budapest during the Fellowship period, depending on the category:
    • Junior, Senior, and Invited Distinguished CIAS Research Fellows are required to spend the their entire time in Budapest, except for short professional leaves.
    • Non-resident Senior CIAS Research Fellows are required to stay in Budapest for at least 1 month every 5 months
Junior CIAS Research Fellow
  • Basic eligibility requirements, plus:
    • A minimum of 1 article published in a peer-reviewed international Q1 academic journal (Scimago Journal Ranking)
Senior CIAS Research Fellow
  • Junior CIAS Research Fellow requirements, plus:
    • Doctoral degree obtained 5 years ago
    • A minimum of 5 articles published in peer-reviewed international Q1 academic journals (Scimago Journal Ranking)
Non-resident Senior CIAS Research Fellow
Invited Distinguished CIAS Research Fellow
  • Senior CIAS Research Fellow requirements, plus:
    • Letter of invitation from the Dean of CIAS

A Fellowship may be awarded once every 5 years in the same category. A previous unsuccessful application does not preclude somebody from applying again, however, after successfully completing a Fellowship, the application will be refused for the next 5 years.

Every Candidate is evaluated through a double and anonymous peer-review process that includes Hungarian and international experts in the relevant discipline.

CIAS Fellows must meet the following conditions during their Fellowship period:

  • Submission of at least 1 paper every 5 months to a peer-reviewed international journal, indicating ‘Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS), Corvinus University of Budapest’ as their (second) affiliation:
    • Junior CIAS Research Fellows: At least Q1 or Q2, according to the Scimago Journal Ranking,
    • Senior CIAS Research Fellows: At least D1 or Q1, according to the Scimago Journal Ranking,
    • Non-resident Senior CIAS Research Fellows: At least D1 or Q1, according to the Scimago Journal Ranking
  • Presentation of research results at least once every 5 months:
    • Either at the CIAS International Workshop OR
    • A workshop organised by one of the Institutes or Research Centres of Corvinus
  • Provide 1 x 60 minutes / week consultation, mentoring, or class opportunity online or in-person for the students and faculty of Corvinus.

We are pleased to accept candidates who already cooperate with one of the Institutes or Research Centres at Corvinus, as well as those who have not yet established an active connection (they will receive support to initiate joint work with our faculty).

Individual requirements for Invited Distinguished CIAS Research Fellows are determined in collaboration with the Head of the Corvinus Institute that invited them.

Other professional activities undertaken by CIAS Fellows are welcome, but not required. However, the final instalment of the Fellowship is only transferable, if the requisite work is submitted to an acceptable journal.

Type of FellowshipAmount of funding (before taxes)
Junior CIAS Research Fellow3.200 EUR / month
Senior CIAS Research Fellow4.500 EUR / month
Non-resident Senior CIAS Research Fellow4.500 EUR / month while in Budapest
1.500 EUR / month while not in Budapest
Invited Distinguished CIAS Senior Research FellowStarting from 4.500 EUR / month
Extended funding for every type of Fellowship
One-time relocation support from a country of residence in Europe (not only EU)700 EUR
One-time relocation support from a country of residence outside of Europe1.400 EUR
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 1 dependent450 EUR / month
Family allowance (while in Budapest) if the Fellow is accompanied by 2 or more dependents700 EUR / month


The Fellows’ financial support from CIAS must cover all their costs, including but not limited to accommodation, travel expenses, and insurance.

CIAS provides varying levels of financial support for each Fellowship category, as shown in Table 2. In many countries, including Hungary, the presented amount of the Fellowship is considered income, hence it represents the total amount before taxes. The candidates have several options when it comes to taxes:
  1. According to the Corvinus Presidential Committee No. 15/2024’s Provisions on the International Excellence Scholarship for Visiting Lecturers and Researchers, if you meet certain criteria, you can receive the Fellowship as a monthly scholarship, which is tax-free income in Hungary. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
    1. Having a teaching or research-related legal relationship (e.g., employment or service contract) with a higher-education institution in a country other than
    2. Not being a citizen of Hungary.
    3. Not being eligible for scholarships under the education and research opportunities offered to Hungarians living abroad.
    4. Teaching or conducting research in English in a Hungarian higher-education institution.1
A Service Contract for research that provides the following options is available to those who do not want to apply for the scholarship or who do not match the above requirements:
  1. Paying taxes and making social contributions in Hungary. This amounts to a 30,15% deduction from the overall amount of financial support.
  2. Paying personal income taxes in the country of residence. In this case, the University deducts only 16,65% as social security contributions in Hungary. (Administrative requirement: Tax Residence Certificate issued by the tax authorities in the candidate’s home country).
  3. Paying social security contributions in the country of residence. In this case, the University deducts only 13,5% as personal income tax in Hungary. (Administrative requirement: A1 form issued by authorities of the country of residence of the Candidate in the case of coming from an EU country OR proof of active medical / health insurance and paid social securities in the country of residence, issued either by the authorities of the country of residence or the current employer of the Candidate).
The above-mentioned options apply to countries that have an active international treaty with Hungary aimed at avoiding double taxation. In every other case, special tax legislations apply. Although CIAS and Corvinus can offer information on Hungarian tax laws, it is the Fellow’s responsibility to obtain all relevant data from their home country and make their own taxation decisions. After a taxation decision has been made, neither the Fellow nor Corvinus can modify it.

[1] If the Candidate is awarded the Fellowship, this criterion is automatically satisfied.

  • Completed application form
  • Detailed Statement of Proposed Research and Publication Activity (sent to cias@uni-corvinus.hu) – Download official template via this link.
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae of the Candidate (sent to cias@uni-corvinus.hu)

Housing is arranged individually by the Fellow, but if it is needed the University/CIAS can provide orientation in finding a good solution. As a second option, the University can provide fully equipped, high-quality professors’ apartments at the new campus, but these apartments are offered depending on the capacity and the eligibility of the building. Further information about the professors’ apartments will be provided with the acceptance letter, due to the limited number of available apartments.

At Corvinus we regularly host scientific workshops, conferences, public lectures. We also put a great emphasis on social events, such as team building trips, special holiday events, and informal networking events.

For further information, check out our news site: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/main-page/research/corvinus-institute-for-advanced-studies/news-events/?lang=en

Members of CIAS Alumni

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