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The CESR coordinated many research projects in the above-mentioned areas, that is, the ‘Hungarian Enterprise Panel Survey’ ‘The Emerging Elites’, ‘Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe’, ‘Uncertainty and Insecurity in Europe’, ‘Information Society and Local Community’, ‘Social Impacts of ICT’, SIBIS’, ‘eInclusion’, ‘ICT4All’ ,‘IntUne’ and the “Innovative Social Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe” (INSPIRES) FP7 research programme.

We can mention among our partners and funding agencies the following organisations: Antenna Hungária, Centre of eMagyarország, empirica GmbH (Bonn), the 5-7th and H2020 Framework Programmes of the EU, Ministry of Justice, ENEC network (supported by OTKA). The following datafiles are available for motivated students – to be asked from György Lengyel (CV and motivation letter required):

  • The Hungarian enterprises panel data (1992-2000)
  • The Hungarian business elite data (1990, 1993, 1997, 2009, 2014)
  • Youth panel survey (2002-2012)
  • Public opinion survey among third-country immigrants and the receiving society (2011)

Mediatized EU – H2020 project, January , 2021 – December, 2024

The aim of this project, covering seven countries, is to study the framing of the European project and Europeanization in the traditional and new media and its representations in public opinion. We will look at this issue in a longitudinal perspective through focusing on the transformations of the European media landscape from the turn of the 21st century to the present day. The main focus will be placed on the representations of pro- and anti-EU arguments in the media discourses, as well as on the study of the elite-media-population triangle to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Among the major methods are content- and discourse analysis, population survey, elite interviews and civic discussion. The project will be implemented under prof. György Lengyel’s professional leadership in the Centre for Empirical Social Research.

Corvinus Canvas: Research Spotlights – MEDEU projekt

This discussion is the fifth of a series of audiovisual recordings dedicated to a 4-year long EU-funded project, titled MEDIATIZED EU, with the aim to shed light and communicate the research findings and recommendations to a broader audience. This episode will help our audience – policymakers, experts, journalists, and the general public – to understand the findings of the Hungarian team’s desk research, media analysis and elite interview analysis on the country’s perceptions towards Europeanization.

MEDIATIZED EU Podcast Series – Episode 5: Perceptions on Europeanization in Hungary

This discussion is the fifth of a series of audiovisual recordings dedicated to a 4-year long EU-funded project, titled MEDIATIZED EU, with the aim to shed light and communicate the research findings and recommendations to a broader audience. This episode will help our audience – policymakers, experts, journalists, and the general public – to understand the findings of the Hungarian team’s desk research, media analysis and elite interview analysis on the country’s perceptions towards Europeanization.


  • Dr. György Lengyel, Sociologist, Professor Emeritus, Corvinus University of Budapest and head of the Centre for Empirical Social Research (CESR).
  • Dr. Gabriella Ilonszki, Political Scientist and Professor Emerita, Corvinus University of Budapest.
  • Dr. Lilla Tóth, Senior Research Fellow, Corvinus University of Budapest.
  • Dr. Borbála Göncz, Research fellow at the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies, Corvinus University of Budapest.
  • Dr. Attila Melegh, Associate Professor at Corvinus University of Budapest, and Senior Researcher at the Demographic Research Institute.
  • Moderation by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, Director of the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC).

In this episode of the “Corvinus Canvas: Research Spotlights” Lengyel György, the head of the Centre for Empirical Social Research at Corvinus, introduces the MEDIATIZED EU project. This episode illuminates the ways European integration is perceived in the elite-media-public triangle across seven countries. György Lengyel highlights the unique challenges and insights of this research, focusing on the contrasting EU narratives between elites and the general public.

Members of the Hungarian research team:

Bocskor Ákos akos.bocskor@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 522
Dr. Göncz Borbála borbala.goncz@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies
Tudományos munkatárs / Research Fellow
C épület, 710
Phone: +36 1 482 7321 • Ext: 7321
Dr. Ilonszki Gabriella gabriella.ilonszki@uni-corvinus.hu Nemzetközi, Politikai és Regionális Tanulmányok Intézet / Politikatudományi Tanszék
Professor emerita / Professor Emerita
C épület
Phone: +36 1 482 7383
Dr. Lengyel György gyorgy.lengyel@uni-corvinus.hu Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet / Szociológia és Társadalompolitika Tanszék
Professzor Emeritus / Prof. Emeritus
C épület, 528
Phone: +36 1 482 7332 • Ext: 7332
Dr. Melegh Attila attila.melegh@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Szociológia Tanszék
Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
C épület, 521
Phone: +36 1 482 7322 • Ext: 7322

Inspires – Labour market resilience (Innovative Social Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe)

The Centre for Empirical Social Research (CESR) at the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy of the Corvinus University of Budapest participated in the INSPIRES (Innovative Social Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe) international research project between 2013 and 2016. INSPIRES was co-funded by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7.

The main goal of the Inspires project was to contribute to the resilience and inclusiveness of labour markets in European countries. It comparatively assessed the resilience and inclusiveness of labour markets in European countries, it identified innovative policies that have contributed to resilience and inclusiveness and it analyzed strategies of policy learning that facilitate the development and transfer of these innovations within and across European nation states. In order to do so, it analyzed in-depth the evolution of labour markets policies, employment policies and social policies. Moreover, it qualitatively and quantitatively assesses the labour market position of vulnerable groups from 2000 onwards. INSPIRES covered eleven countries from all European welfare traditions: Mediterranean, Eastern-European, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and the continental regimes. The consortium consisted of a multidisciplinary team of scholars that focused on sociological issues of employment and social policy.

Enec – Elite and Crisis – Economic crisis and the changing EU-perception of the European elites

The Centre for Empirical Social Research (CESR) participated in the “IntUne” (Integrated and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an Ever Closer Europe) FP 6 international research project between 2006 and 2009. The Enec project (European National Elites and the Crisis – ENEC) was conceived on the bases of this previous one and investigates attitudes toward European identity, scope of governance and representation among elites and the general public. Building on the previous research provided the opportunity to take into account the effect of the economic crisis when addressing changes in attitudes and to make comparisons between different member states of the EU (former and current participants of the research).

The global economic crisis affecting countries of the European Union since 2008 has had, and possibly would have important consequences for the process of European integration. In those countries more affected by the crisis, the EU provided assistance to cope with the situation. This assistance, however, has been conditional on the implementation of austerity measures by domestic authorities. These interventions may lead to public disapproval in these countries, citizens may feel that the EU institutions not only do not respond to their needs, but they are also governed by the dictates of political authorities and institutions over which they could exercise no control.

This research project provided the background knowledge to a better understanding and to the eventual redesign or maintenance of the European integration process, and how it was shaped by national elites – the Hungarian being one of them. The project, held between April 2014 and March 2017, was financed by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund .

Well-being and Migration: The Hungary – Austria Migration Nexus (MIGWELL

The research is funded by Hungarian National Research and Development Institute, type: ANN – Austrian – Hungarian international cooperation

Duration: 42 months (December 2021 – May 2025)

Identifier: 139465 ANN

In this research project the foreign partner of the Centre for Empirical Social Research is: the Institute for Urban and Regional Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ISR).

Principal investigator: Borbála Göncz

In recent decades migration has become a hot topic in the public sphere and in the global political arena, which has led to a growing scientific interest in understanding what motivates people to migrate and what the social, economic and political outcomes could be. Although a lot of research has examined the relationship between economic welfare and migration, the subjective well-being-migration nexus has received far less attention in the scientific community. This project will take an innovative approach by linking these two topics, analysing their two-way causal relationship within one research framework and bringing the literature-based theories regarding the mechanisms of subjective well-being alterations into the context of migration.

The project focuses on the migration nexus between Hungary and Austria. It will conduct literature reviews, analyses of primary and secondary quantitative data (official migration data, EU-SILC from bothcountries, Hungarian microcensus and additional surveys (with 1000 respondents in Hungary and 200-300 in Austria), complemented by qualitative methods: cognitive and narrative interviews, focus groups, roundtable discussions and expert interviews.

The international and interdisciplinary approach of the research project is mirrored in its organizational structure, besides the Hungarian applicant, the Centre for Empirical Social Research at Corvinus University the Institute for Urban and Regional Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna’s Hungarian Studies Department also participate in the project.

Members of the Hungarian research teams

Dr. Göncz Borbála borbala.goncz@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies
Tudományos munkatárs / Research Fellow
C épület, 710
Phone: +36 1 482 7321 • Ext: 7321
Dr. Lengyel György gyorgy.lengyel@uni-corvinus.hu Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet / Szociológia és Társadalompolitika Tanszék
Professzor Emeritus / Prof. Emeritus
C épület, 528
Phone: +36 1 482 7332 • Ext: 7332
Dr. Melegh Attila attila.melegh@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Szociológia Tanszék
Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
C épület, 521
Phone: +36 1 482 7322 • Ext: 7322
Dr. Tóth Lilla lilla.toth@uni-corvinus.hu
C. épület, 408
Phone: +36 1 482 7321 • Ext: 7321

Latest news

In early July 2024, the first MIGWELL journal article was published in the English edition of Demography. The concept paper of more than fifty pages provides a thorough overview of the relevant theoretical frameworks of migration and well-being and the interrelations between the two concepts.

Németh, Á., Göncz, B., Kohlbacher, J., Lengyel, Gy., Melegh, A., Németh, Zs., Reeger, U. and Tóth, L. (2023), Theoretical framework for the study of the two-way relationship between migration and subjective well-being. Demográfia, 66(5), English Edition, 19-69. https://www.demografia.hu/en/publicationsonline/index.php/demografiaenglishedition/article/view/983.

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