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Staff Contacts







Currently: Scientific Director, Corvinus Center for Central Asia Research

Department of Comparative and Institutional Economics, Corvinus University, Budapest


●       Planning and coordination of research on Central Asian economic, environmental, political and security issues


2004 – 2016 – Inter-Regional Adviser, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe


●       Coordination of the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA)

●       Sustainable Development Goals

●       Comprehensive reform of SPECA (2005-2006)

●       Co-chairing the Working Group on Legal and Institutional Strengthening of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea

●       Cooperation with UN agencies, OSCE, the development community, civil society and the academic community


2002 – 2003 – Senior Adviser, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Hungary


●       Department for Planning and Analysis


1998 – 2002 – Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre, OSCE


●       Advising and supporting the Chairman-in-Office and the Secretary General

●       Planning and management of field operations (establishment of OSCE centers in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, missions deployed or build up on the Kosovo-Albanian border, Kosovo, Southern Serbia, Macedonia and the Georgian-Chechen border)

●       Directing research on early warning, conflict transformation and peacebuilding


1997 – 1998 – Director General, Department of Security Policy and European Cooperation,

                        MFA Hungary


●       Covering the 5th Committee of the UN, OSCE and the Council of Europe  (security issues)

●       MTCR Chairmanship

●       Implementation of CWC and BWC


1996-1997 – Personal Representative of the Chairman in Office of the OSCE for the Agreement on Confidence and Security Building Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina


●       Exchange of military data, inspections, visits to military bases

●       Unarmed observation flights


1995 – Chairman of the Permanent Council of the OSCE


●       Consultations and decisions on Chechnya and on strengthening the OSCE Mission in Tajikistan

●       Negotiations and decision on taking over protection of refugees on the Tajik-Afghan border from UNHCR

●       Preparing and chairing the Prague Economic Forum

●       Starting a permanent consultative process with the Mediterranean and Asian Partners


1992 – 1996 – Head of the Hungarian Delegation to the OSCE


●       Preparing and supporting the Budapest Summit of the OSCE

●       Negotiation and adoption of the Political and Military Code of Conduct

●       Participation in OSCE Economic Forums

●       Conclusion of the Open Skies negotiations

●       Preparation of decisions on the membership of Central Asian countries in the OSCE


1990 – 1992 – Deputy Director, Department of Security Policy, MFA Hungary


●       Preparations to dissolve the Warsaw Pact (meeting of foreign and defence ministers in Budapest)

●       Negotiations on the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Hungary

●       Development of the first Security Policy Concept of Hungary

●       Chief negotiator of the Hungarian-Romanian Open Skies Agreement


1998 – 1990 – Desk Officer, Department of Multilateral Organisations


●       Conventional Forces in Europe, CSBM and Open Skies negotiations


1980 – 1988 – Asia Department, MFA Hungary


●       Political, economic and cultural relations with China

●       Posting in Beijing, third secretary, economic and cultural relations (1983-86)


Education:     1973 – 78 Moscow Institute of International Relations, Majors: Chinese language and history, international economic relations, international law, international relations


                        1989 UN Disarmament Fellowship: Legal and technical aspects of arms control


Languages:     Fluent in English and Russian, working knowledge of Chinese, French and German

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