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Researches and projects

Macro Statistical Data Gathering and Trend Analysis

Macro statistical data (1980-2018) on alcohol consumption and its consequences according to international standards: Assessing reliability of data on consumption and mortality; Trend analysis: Interrelations between socio-demographic variables (age structure, marital status, educational attainment, employment status, income, level of urbanization, suicide rates, etc.) and alcohol consumption indicators

Secondary analysis of ESPAD data

Through data fusion, we do retrospective analysis based on ESPAD data going back to 1995. We aim at analysing to what extent the recent shift in high school students’ drug use habits can be explained with their socio-demographic indicators.

Qualitative and small sample survey in wine and spirit producing micro-regions near the Hungarian border and of high alcohol-attributable mortality

Using mixed methods, we study unrecorded consumption and segregated populations’ consumption patterns in wine and spirit producing micro-regions near the Hungarian border and of a high alcohol-attributable mortality. The study delineates segregated and non-segregated communities. Aim is to estimate the level of unrecorded consumption and the prevalence of problematic substance use (low-quality alcohol, binge drinking, illicit drugs, designer drugs, sedatives / sleeping pills). The following methods are used: In-depth interviews with employees of commercial units, nightclubs and other competent persons; Small sample survey on consumption habits, drug substitutes, sources of drug supply, etc.; Qualitative (focus group) research with competent NAV (National Tax and Customs Administration) staff. The research is carried out with the help of university students, in the framework of student research camps.

Large-scale survey among the adult population, online research among students, and focus group study among young people

Large-scale survey: We carry out survey among adults aged 18-79 on addictive habits, such as alcohol, drug, medication and ICT use. The study includes the issue of problematic substance use, as well as other risk behaviours and their consequences. The study elaborates on subjective well-being, mental state, self-esteem, health and other implications. The social network, leisure activities, health awareness and risk perception of respondents make part of the research too.
Online research: We conduct online research within a university student population that is one of the student populations affected by excessive ICT use and drug use to the greatest extent. The study focuses on ICT use, illicit and legal drug use, social relationships, leisure time and the interrelation of the studied factors.

Focus group research: In the focus group study conducted among young adults we examine respondents’ attitudes to ascending generations and their own consumption habits, highlighting the factors resulting in generational gaps.

Media analysis and focus group study on young people’s attitudes

Content analysis: We carry out content analysis of young people’s most popular online interfaces. We examine the information, knowledge and attitudes related to risk behaviours and health awareness communicated by online media.

Focus group research: Our aim is to examine young people’s perceptions of risk behaviours and the threats they may pose, in comparison with the results of the media analysis.

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