Research Grants: Calls for Application
The leadership of Corvinus University of Budapest has decided to
establish the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies – Central Europe
in Global Context.
The establishment of CIAS aims to reach a higher level of the
University’s research performance and significantly improve its
international potential. CIAS has been established in affiliation with
Corvinus University of Budapest. CIAS provides research fellowships for
scholars with outstanding credentials. The fundamental goal is to create
an inspiring and creative intellectual community. Scholarships are
granted in a process based on thematic calls for application, this
contributes to CIAS’ own intellectual profile that is in harmony with
the goals of Budapest, Hungary and Central Europe.
provides research fellowships for scholars with outstanding credentials in the
following grant categories:
invited distinguished research
senior (faculty) research fellow,
junior (faculty) research fellow.
The operation of CIAS is based on „centers” and

The first such center in operation is the Social Futuring
Center of Corvinus University which was founded in February 2017 to
implement the research project „ConNext 2050” working on developing a
Social Futuring Index – SFI. Other centers will be established around
research themes of the seven doctoral schools of the University
(International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School, Doctoral
School of Political Science, Doctoral School of Sociology, Doctoral
School of Social Communication, Doctoral School of Business Informatics,
Doctoral School of General and Quantitative Economics, Doctoral School
of Business and Management) which are the key areas of the research
activities of Corvinus University.