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Research Support

Research, development and innovation play a crucial role in the life of Corvinus University of Budapest in addition to its educational function. We find it essential that our colleagues carry out and participate in internationally accepted, high-quality researches, European and domestic research projects besides their teaching activity.

At Corvinus we believe that the most important pillars of scientific activity are publication performance meeting international standards and the related professional recognition. To this end Corvinus University intends to provide such an environment which supports our colleagues to produce and benefit from knowledge. Under the section ‘Research Support’ You can find the internal and external calls for proposals which can contribute to the support of our instructors’ research activity.

Through Workflow application system Corvinus University of Budapest offers opportunity for the colleagues of its eleven institutes to submit proposals. In addition, Corvinus University to such extent as is practicable, contributes to the costs of those lecturers, researchers who intend to deliver a lecture at domestic and international conferences, supports proposal preparatory discussions, and supports the availability of Open Access and the organization of international scientific events.

The Outstanding Publication Award is granted annually to our lecturer and researcher colleagues to recognize their work and outstanding publications in international scientific journals, published books and chapters. The total, untied value of the award is 20 million Forints. We hope that everybody will find the best opportunity upon browsing our website.

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