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Corvinus TDK (institutional level)

Scientific Student’s Associations Conference (TDK)
The Scientific Student’s Associations Conference, TDK (in Hungarian: Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia) is an annual contest organized by the Corvinus University of Budapest usually during the spring semester. The TDK offers an open platform for the works of students seeking to gain academic knowledge beyond the regular curriculum. Supervisors facilitate the process of preparing the papers. Similarly to academic conferences, students present their papers in sections. Papers and presentations are evaluated by a professional jury based on certain norms and criterias that apply to general scientific publications. The aim of TDK is to facilitate the authors’ professional and scholar developments and for them to develop academic thinking and style of reasoning.
Main information and instructions about the TDK
The TDK movement has a long history at Corvinus University of Budapest. Every year, around 300 students conduct individual research and write a paper to compete with their peers. For a couple of years, we opened the TDK movement to international students, too.
Participants on the conference can be (given that they haven’t received a university leaving certificate during the time of the Conference):
1. students and auditors of Corvinus University of Budapest,
2. members of any vocational college accredited by the Corvinus University of Budapest, if
     a. holding active student status at any Hungarian academic institute; and
     b. haven’t received a University Leaving Certificate during the time of TDK.

TDK is organized by the University Council of Student Research Societies, ETDT (in Hungarian: Egyetemi Tudományos Diákköri Tanács) with the contribution of sections’ secretary and the TDK Office.
Due to the current epidemic situation, TDK is held online.
Official hompage of TDK (in English) is: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/main-page/research/scientific-students-associations-conference-tdk/?lang=en
You can reach ETDT for further information at: etdt@uni-corvinus.hu

It is no need to fill and submit any statement besides the TDK paper


Participation in TDK is bound to registration. 
Applying for registration is done through an online registration platform (TDK online platform).
The following information is needed for registration:

  • The supervisor;
  • Preparatory title of the paper;
  • Suggested sections (discussion with the supervisor on which proposed sections to indicate; the decision will be finalized by the University Council of Student Research Societies, ETDT);
  • ABSTRACT of the paper, CONSISTING OF MINIMUM 500, MAXIMUM 2500 CHARACTERS SPACE INCLUDED, REGARDLESS OF THE FIELD OF RESEARCH. The structure of the abstract should follow the academic nature applied on the paper, or should briefly summarize the following aspects:

              1. academic research question(s);
              2. introduction of the applied research method;
              3. when submitting the paper the finalized abstract should contain the brief description of the individual results as well (maximum 500 characters).

Attention! Some important information for the registration:

  • In case of the papers with co-authors the paper is enough to be registrated by one of the authors
  • The submission of an abstract with minimum 500, maximum 2500 characters takes also part of the registration
  • The title and the abstract of the paper could be modified after the registration

Registration in case of a joint authorship

In case of papers with co-authors, it is no need each author to register their personal data on the TDK’s online platform.
A joint piece of paper needs to be registered with only one of the author’s name. Then the registered author can add other authors. Then they can search for the name(s) of the co-author(s) from the already registered users and add them.
Falsely selected co-authors can only be deleted by the organizers of TDK during the same period.

Sections in English

A TDK is organized based on sections. The list of available sections in English will be released on this homepage, under the ‘Sections in English’ accordion, from which the proposed sections should be indicate. We call your attention, if it is needed the TDK coordinators (ETDT) might modify the final section of the paper for organizational reasons. In this case, the authors will be informed which section they are assigned to. In this academic year the following sections are open for papers submitted and presented in English:

  1. Business studies
  2. Communication and media science
  3. Digital marketing
  4. Economics
  5. Financial markets
  6. Health economics, policy and financing
  7. Inequalities in a historical perspective
  8. International relations
  9. Philosophy
  10. Public policy and management
  11. Sociology
  12. Sustainable finance
  13. World economy and Europe

Please, select that section at the Primary (most appropriate) section menu indicated in the invitation of the certain section, in which your tender fits the best. Under Secondary section and Tertiary section you have to indicate which further two sections that is not included in the list, would cover the topic of your tender the more (or less).

Business studies

Institutional unit: Department of Business Studies
We welcome papers to the section from many areas of business sciences with particular regard to the field of business economics, international business economics, business policy, strategic management, market analysis, competitiveness, sports management, knowledge management, corporate governance, and firm theories. You can find the primary supervisors below, but you are free to contact the instructors with your own ideas. We welcome all types of research, from quantitative to qualitative to mixed. We encourage everyone to proactively contact the instructors with additional questions or contact the section secretary.

Related contacts

Pistrui Bence László bencelaszlo.pistrui@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Vállalkozás és Innováció Intézet / Üzleti Gazdaságtan Tanszék
Egyetemi tanársegéd, PhD Hallgató / Assistant Lecturer, PhD Student
E épület, 348
supervisorsrecommended topics
Julianna, FALUDIBusiness transition toward the Circular Economy (CE) – solutions, business models and marketing challenges (Proposals are expected with regards to the analysis of cases on Business Transitions toward CE)
Zsolt, HAVRANCase studies in the internationalisation of companies – special focus on CEE region
Attila, KAJOSResearch related to the theory of the firm
The contribution of marketing to business competitiveness
The emergence of new types of marketing strategies of domestic and international firms
Marketing aspects of sport organizations
Zita, KOMÁRRhetoric and visual rhetoric in advertising: persuasive messages and images (consumer perspective)
Characteristics of rhetoric and genre in for profit vs CSR advertisements and strategic planning of communication messages (organizational perspective)
Brand identity and ethical, credible communication strategies
Differences of competitive and co-operative communication models in business communication
Successful persuasive messages in business and leadership communication
Rhetorical sensitivity and social aspects of ethical marketing communication
Dávid, LOSONCIIndustry 4.0 in Hungarian business practice
Investigating the Hungarian innovation performance – Analysis of the European Innovation Scoreboard data / preparing a company case study

Communication and media science

Institutional unit: Department of Communication and Media Science
The section invites any empirical or theoretical research on how the media reflects, represents and influences the world; and language and human communications in all kinds of environment and context – by using scientific approaches from the fields of communication and media studies, linguistics or social psychology. Accordingly, the section is open (but is not limited to) papers in the following areas: social, corporate or public communication, language and human communication, psychology of communication, education, media and new media, marketing communication, media literacy, persuasion and rhetoric, framing, verbal and visual metaphor.

Related contacts

Dr. Szabó Lilla Petronella lilla.szabo@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
E épület, 329
Phone: +36 1 482 5116 • Ext: 5116
supervisorsrecommended topics
Zsanett, ADÁMIFamily communication
Adoption communication
Réka, BENCZESFigurative framing in communication and media discourse
Tamás, BOKORDigital competencies
Social effects of AI
Utku BOZDAGPolitical discourse on social media
Biases and conspiratorial thinking on social media
Metaphor analysis
Fanni, CZIRÁKYSport communication
Identity and communication
Ágnes, HAVRILIntercultural communication
Media semiotics
Evelin, HORVÁTHVirtual characters in the marketing industry
Artificial intelligence based image creation and manipulation
Lajos, KOVÁCSFilm, video, advertising, social media
Organizational communication
Jessie LABOVNew media, social media, media history
Film theory, history, and analysis
Aizhamal MURATALIEVAFemale migration and stories of empowerment
Ethnic identities and language boundaries of migrant workers
Alexandra, NAGY-BÉNIVisual communication and framing
Beste ÖZKANOrganizational communication and business excellence
Veronika, PELLEMedia literacy, digital literacy
Children’s media use, digital parenting
Media education, digital competences
New media communication
Márton, RÉTVÁRIVirtual reality in marketing and education
Esports and video games
Social media trends and their societal effects
Judit, SEBESTYÉNFamily communication
Family and media
Media portrayal of the family
Lilla Petronella, SZABÓMetaphors in political rhetoric
Figurative framing in public discourse
The language of mediated politics
Digital political communication and language use
Antal, SZÁNTAYInequalities in communication and media
History of popular music and culture
Tünde, TAXNERStorytelling in organizational communication
Storytelling in journalism
Media education methods
Anilla, TILLEnvironmental communication
Sustainability communication
Erna, URICSKAFighting against online and offline crime by SNSs
Milson VELOSOVisual social media studies
Social media crisis communication
Youth communication practices

Digital marketing

Institutional unit: Department of Digital Marketing
The section welcomes all papers that examine the digital aspects of marketing: the spread of online technologies, an innovative approach to the planning, implementation and evaluation of a digital marketing strategy; online customer behavior and related decisions, omnichannel marketing; current content reflecting the challenges of digital marketing, which appear, for example, in the digital marketing activities of small and medium-sized companies or marketing agencies.

Related contacts

Kemény Ildikó ildiko.kemeny@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Digitális Marketing Tanszék
Egyetemi Docens / Associate Professor
E épület, 359
Phone: +36 1 482 5252 • Ext: 5252
supervisorsrecommended topics
Ildikó, KEMÉNYShopping behaviour in omnichannel environment
Omnichannel shopping exprience
Acceptance of e-health and m-health


Institutional unit: Institute of Economics
We welcome papers to this section in which authors make research in theoretical and/or empirical economics. There is no further specification, any area of economics is welcome.

Related contacts

Dr. Kuncz Izabella izabella.kuncz@uni-corvinus.hu Közgazdaságtan Intézet
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
E épület, 219
Phone: +36 1 482 5148 • Ext: 5148

supervisorsrecommended topics
Éva, BERDEDemographic elements of economic growth
Price discrimination in Budapest Fitness Centers
The microeconomics of the gig economy (sharing economy)
Labor market situation of those who are older than 55
The present and the future of MOOC education
László, CSATÓRanking methods in sport and other fields
Klára, MAJOREmpirics and theory of real business cycles
Investment and financial uncertainties
Exchange rates and financial globalization
Péter, MIHÁLYIUnderstanding endogenous economic growth (Nobel prize, 2018)
The role of education, knowledge and skills in economic growth
The relationship between health status and economic development levels (regional comparisons)
András Olivér, NÉMETHFiscal and tax policy
Theory and economic policy of economic growth
Péter, TALLOSDifference and differential equations with applications in economics

Financial markets

Institutional unit: Institute of Finance
We welcome papers to this track in which authors make research in empirical and/or theoretical finance. There is no further specification, any area of financial markets is welcome. The professors of the faculty provided some research topics below, however any other research agenda is welcome. This is only a short list to inspire you. Although you can choose other topics and other supervisors as well. Please have a look on our department homepage and the profiles of the colleagues.

Secretary of the section

Badics Milán Csaba milancsaba.badics@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Pénzügy Intézet / Befektetések
Egyetemi tanársegéd / Assistant Lecturer
E épület, 279.1
Phone: +36 1 482 5338 • Ext: 5338
supervisorsrecommended topics
Gábor, SZTANÓMonetary policy spillovers
Digital finance
Borbála, SZÜLERisk management
Empirical Asset Pricing
Anomalies on stock markets
Exchange rates and financial globalization
Uncertainites of financial markets
Event analysis

Health economics, policy and financing

Institutional unit: Department of Health Policy
Student papers dealing with any topic related to health economics, pharmacoeconomics, financing healthcare systems, health policy in any country are welcomed.

Related contacts

Beretzky Zsuzsanna zsuzsanna.beretzky@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Egészségpolitika Tanszék
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
C épület, 533
supervisorsrecommended topics
Valentin, BRODSZKYPharmacoeconomic modelling. Analysis of disease related costs.
Fanni, RENCZThe measurement and valuation of health outcomes, health economics, health technology assessment
Health preference research, time trade-off, EQ-5D, questionnaire development and validation
Zsuzsanna, BERETZKYInformal care in chronic conditions, Cost of illness and quality of life
Peter, BALÁZSUtility assessment, willingness to pay, systematic reviews

Inequalities in a historical perspective

Institutional unit: Department of Communication and Media Science
This section welcomes research papers, analytical descriptions, and comparative or case studies of inequality issues, global or local, in any historical era, from the ‘caveman’ till yesterday. A significant share of today’s human population does not have full access to basic needs of life, fresh air, potable water, sufficient food, and housing. Proper health-care and education are even less accessible for many. There are considerable inequalities in wealth and income, economic and social circumstances, and access to diverse infrastructures, including communication and media. Thus, inequality is the most crucial issue that social sciences, arts and humanities should explore. The historical perspective provides a deeper understanding of the present for setting the future.

Related contacts

Dr. Szántay Antal Péter antal.szantay@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék
Egyetemi Docens / Associate Professor
E épület, 331
Phone: +36 1 482 5207 • Ext: 5207

supervisorsrecommended topics
Antal, SZÁNTAYInequality (economic, social, cultural, etc.)
Ecoomic history
Social history
Cultural history
Environmental history
Political and economic thought

International relations

Institutional unit: Department of International Relations
International relations section welcomes papers on inter-state relations, on the role of IOs (universal and/or regional) and other non-state actors in the international system or on impacts of global challenges on international affairs. We invite papers presenting original theoretical and empirical research work in the field of IR, focusing on foreign policy analysis, area studies, security studies or dilemmas of international law.

Related contacts

Dr. Matura Tamás Attila tamas.matura@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Globális Tanulmányok Intézet
Docens / Associate Professor
C épület, 412
supervisorsrecommended topics
Annie Abena Aku AGYEMFRASecurity and terrorism in Africa
Conflicts in Africa
Violent Non-State Actors and African Studies
Tamás, HOFFMANNInternational Legal Issues of the Russia–Ukraine conflict
Ákos, KENGYELEU level measures to help recovery after the COVID crisis
Green transition and the energy crisis
Challenges of digital transition
Bernadett, LEHOCZKILatin America in the world
Populism and Foreign policy
Migration and IR
Péter, MARTONForeign Policy Analysis (külpolitika-elemzés)
Security Studies (biztonsági tanulmányok)
Global Public Health (globális közegészségügy)
Buyisile, NTAKAAfrican Affairs
Rebel Governance
multipolarity in the international system
emerging powers in international relations
area studies
challenges of international organisations, international law and human rights in the 21st century
global challenges (poverty, inequality, migration, climate change, diseases, etc.


Institutional unit: Department of Political Sciences
We are looking forward to papers with a theoretical, systematic and historical discussion of social reality. We also expect topics that take philosophy in a broad sense, political philosophy, and religious studies. We place great emphasis on conceptual analysis, the examination of meaning transformations, and historical and systematic discussion, which can include ethical, aesthetic, logical, art theory, and theological aspects.

Related contacts

Dr. Hoppál Bulcsú Kál bulcsu.hoppal@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Politikatudományi Tanszék
Egyetemi Docens / Associate Professor
C épület, 508
Phone: +36 1 482 7388 • Ext: 7388
supervisorsrecommended topics

Public policy and management

Institutional unit: Department of Public Policy
We welcome papers to the section which study the actors, institutions, processes, mechanism and decisionmaking on different levels (national, regional, European) of governance, and in the public or nonprofit sector in a broad sense, or any public policy area, or policy measure from theoretical or practical perspective applying scientific approaches from the field of economics, public policy, political science, sociology, management studies and other fields of social sciences.

Related contacts

Molnár Gábor Tamás gabortamas.molnar@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Közpolitika Tanszék
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
C épület, 518
Phone: +36 20 324 1531
supervisorsrecommended topics
Attila, BARTHACorruption and anticorruption policies
Welfare policy reforms
Development policy and well being
Education policy
Migration policy
Economic policy and institutions
Sándor, CSENGŐDINetwork industry and departmental regulation
Role of the State in encouraging research, development and innovation
Subvention of SMEs and competitiveness
Effective implementation of public functions of the State
Planning and evaluation of public policies
György, HAJNALReforms, structures, and problems of government and governance on subnational and national levels
Europeanization of national administrations and policies
Policy processes and policy problems
Any of the research topics of Professor Hajnal: latest list of publications is available here:
Gábor Tamás, MOLNÁRThe governance and public policy role of professional communities
Policy advice, expertise and policy making
Community governance of public goods and common pool resources
Institutional economic analysis of public decisions and their implementation
Márton, UGRÓSDYPerformance management in public organizations


Institutional unit: Department of Sociology

Related contacts

Dr. Vicsek Lilla Mária lilla.vicsek@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Szociológia Tanszék
Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
C épület, 525
recommended topics
Analysis of a social problem with social or development political relevance (e.g. poverty, ethnic conflicts, deviance, segregation) – or critical analysis and/or empirical test of an important sociological theory, approach.

Sustainable finance

Institutional unit: Institute of Finance
In the Sustainable Finance section, we are primarly looking for topics with theoretical and preactical approach related tot he teaching and redearch areas of the Institute of Finance:

  • ESG
  • green bonds
  • financing climate change
  • development of carbon markets

The area, contact information and reception hours of the Institute’s staff can be found on the research website of the Institute of Finance.

Related contacts

Badics Milán Csaba milancsaba.badics@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Pénzügy Intézet / Befektetések
Egyetemi tanársegéd / Assistant Lecturer
E épület, 279.1
Phone: +36 1 482 5338 • Ext: 5338
supervisorsrecommended topics

World economy and Europe

Institutional unit: Department of World Economy
Section World Economy and Europe welcomes all interested in the Scientific Student Conference, and particularly in the fields of world economy and Europe. Hence, in topics related to international trade and finance, international development (development economics), international corporations, international banking organisations; European Union and its member states, regions and alliances within Europe; issues and phenomena of high actuality like digitalisation, industry 4.0, migration, populism, resource curse, COVID-19, Russian-Ukrainian war etc. in an economic and/or European context. With regard to the type of study, all methodologically grounded initiatives are accepted from theoretical to empirical papers. The associates of the Department of World Economy would gladly help as supervisors in case of inquiry (see availabilities and research topic propositions below). For further questions, please contact Section Secretary, Sejla ALMADI.

Secretary of the section

Dr. Almadi Sejla sejla.almadi@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Globális Tanulmányok Intézet / Világgazdasági Tanszék
Egyetemi Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
C épület, 401
Phone: +36 1 482 7425 • Ext: 7425
supervisorsrecommended topics
Sejla, ALMADISelf-fulfilling prophecies and other behavioural factors in international economy and politics
Organisational behaviour at international corporations
National and corporate level competitiveness
France’s political, economic, social issues
V4 and the EU: past, present, future, challenges and opportunities
István, BENCZESEuropean Economic Governance
Euro introduction in Hungary
Gergely, BUDAAfrican studies
Circular economy
Development economics
Green industrial policy
International development
Judit, BURUCSBanking Challenge in Western Balkan
Retail Savings in developing countries (a developing country)
Viktória, ENDRŐDI-KOVÁCSCompanies’ internationalisation
Economy of Western Balkan countries, their accession processes to the EU
Effects of Foreign Direct Investments
Internaional Corporate Strategies
Investment strategies of MNEs
Motivations and effects of FDI
Global economic challenges
Denis, IVANOVBaltic economies and the post-Soviet space
Economic inequality
Political economy of transition
Political parties in Central and Eastern Europe
Quantitative political economy
Social and institutional trust
István, KOLLAICapitalism in Central and Eastern Europe
Culture heritage, as a source of economic development
Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe
Responses to the crises of globalization in CEE
Varieties of capitalism in CEE
Gábor, MIKLÓSRegionalisation in world economy, analysis of regionalisation pursuits (ASEAN, CETA, NAFTA, etc.)
Sándor Gyula, NAGYLatin-American economic, social and political affairs
Dzenita, SILJAKEconomic convergence
Foreign Direct Investment
Integration maturity
Norbert, SZIJÁRTÓCovid-19 crisis and the European Union
Economic and Monetary Union
Economic governance in the European Union
Euro introduction in Central and Eastern Europe
Political economy of the European integration
Topics in international finance
Varieties of capitalism
Ágnes SZUNOMÁRChinese economic footprint in Central and Eastern Europe
East Asia’s economies
Emerging countries’ investment
Emerging market multinationals in developing countries
András TÉTÉNYIMeeting the sustainable development goals by 2030
Competitiveness and its determinants
Gábor VÍGVÁRIPolitical economy of international trade and of the trading system
International political economy of globalization, nation state, cooperation
Governance in the EU

Rules regarding the supervisor

Participation at the TDK is based on consultations.

  1. Supervisors facilitate the preparation of the paper. Any person owning a master degree (MSc/MA) could be chosen as Supervisor.
  2. The process of choosing a Supervisor should be arranged registration.
  3. Supervisors receive a notification in email about the author’s registration they would mentor. Supervisors can decline the request within 3 days from the day of receiving the notification. In case of declining the request, the author could name another Supervisor within three working days. Again, the new Supervisor will be notified about the request via email. If the author(s) don’t name a new Supervisor, or the second request is declined within three working days, the registration is deemed invalid.

Requirements regarding the paper

Content, basic requirements

Participating in the TDK is by submitting a paper based on an individual research study beyond the regular curriculum.
Acceptable papers are those, that haven’t been published, or submitted as a thesis for master degree, or TDK paper before. 
A developed version of a Thesis prepared for a Bachelor degree is acceptable, if it hasn’t been published before (on platforms like TDK or other academic publications). In this case, a clear indication of the history of the paper is mandatory.
The paper must contain the usual elements of an academic paper: 

  1. At the beginning of the paper, the Introduction part contains the research question;
  2. Provides the research model and/or methods explicitly;
  3. At the end of the paper, the research question is answered.This section also summarizes the new and innovative scientific findings in a thesis-like manner.

When submitting the paper each and every author claims and accepts the followings: 

  1. The authors accept the vocational and ethical guideline of the TDK, Corvinus University of Budapest.
  2. They bear full responsibility over the authorship and originality of the content of their paper. The responsibility applies to all authors equally.
  3. The authors claim the originality of the paper. They claim that the paper doesn’t match with the work of other author(s), submitted to other sections, nor any other TDK paper in general; nor a thesis submitted and defended for Master degree; nor any academic writing, published or under publication.
  4. The submitted paper  is the finalized version, meaning it cannot be modified after submitting.
  5. All contestants and professors involved can access the submitted paper through TDK’s online platform .

Text, formatting, structural requirements

The paper’s suggested range of content (from the first page of the Introduction part to the last page of the Summary) for papers covering topics within the field of:

  • Economics: max. 80 pages (no minimal limit) 
  • Social Sciences: max. 60 (min. 20) pages: 20–40 pages + the non-content parts of the paper (Front page, Table of Contents, References, Appendix) with the range of max. 20 pages
  • Geography, Regional and Sustainable Deveopment, Mathematics: max. 60 pages (no minimal limit)
  • Agricultural economics: max. 50 (min. 25.) pages

A4 format, with a margin size 2.5 cm. 
The title ‘Scientific Student’s Associations Conference’ should be written on the front page with the font size 14, as well as the title of the paper, date, name of the author(s), faculty, study program, year and the name of the supervisor. 
Font: Times New Roman; font size: 12 pt; paragraph and line spacing: 1.5; justification 
The page number should be set on the bottom of the page in the middle; starting with the Introduction page with number 1. 
All figures, tables and appendices should be numbered and given titles to. The number, title and source need to be written under each figure (or table). 
All subtitles and subcaptions should be signed with decimal numbers (I. First level of heading; I.2. Second level of heading; I.2.3. Third level of heading). 
In order to highlight some parts of the content (only within reasonable framework) should be done by using cursive (italic) text. Authors should abstain from using bold text (apart from the titles, subtitles) from underlining the text, or applying any other forms of highlighting. 
Tables, figures and other documents, illustrating the concept of the paper, although not serving the essence of the paper, should be included in the Appendix. 
Structure of paper:

  • Cover page
  • Table of contents (list of figures and tables are not necessary)
  • Introduction
  • Chapters of Contents (a possible example for it: theoretical background, research method, results, evaluation of results)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendix

Submitting the paper

The paper should be uploaded in electronic form on the TDK online registration platform. There is no need to print the paper, although it cannot be modified after submitted!
The jury only accepts structurally appropriate papers, received on time. There is no need for the supervisor’s statement. If the author submits his/her paper, yet the supervisor doesn’t support his/her participation in the TDK contest, the supervisor should inform the ETDT in email.
The authors(s) claim full publicity over their work.
Submitted TDK papers are public. All contestants and professors involved can access the submitted papers through TDK’s online platform.
The authors bear full responsibility over the authorship and originality of the content of the paper. The responsibility applies to all authors equally.

Consideration period

After receiving the submitted paper the TDK Office forwards them to the section secretaries. They assign two members for review, whose task is to evaluate the paper with a score ranking from 0–30 based on specific criterias on the format and content. The person for review raises two questions regarding the topic of the paper in a composed inscription, to which the author would answer at the oral conference before a committee. If the sum of scores given by both members of review doesn’t reach 36, then the author of the paper cannot participate at the oral conference. Authors can access the obtained reviews. When they reach the minimal score of 36, they can further on prepare for the oral conference based on the six highest ranking. 
The committee’s review will be available on the registrational platform (each participant will be able to find their own at their paper).
The Students Scientific Committee can sanction with disqualification those who:

  • submit the same paper to more than one section in the same year;
  • the same paper has been previously published, served as a thesis for Master Degree or submitted as a former TDK paper; 
  • plagiarize (e.g. submitting another author’s paper)

Oral (Vocal) Round

The oral rounds will be organized between the 9th and 13th of May 2022.
At least one author needs to attend at the oral conference. If none of the authors present themselves at the oral round, then they will receive 0 score for that round. In case it is foreseeable that they cannot attend for any particular reason, then one of the authors should inform the competent section secretary. If they resign from the oral participation and the number of papers are less than six, the section secretary should choose the next one in the rank of declined papers. 
Each contestant will be provided with no more than 15 minutes to present his/her paper. They can use the time to unfold and specify major thesis statements, or introduce new findings. In the following 10 minutes it’s time for the committee to ask them questions. 
The committee’s evaluation is based on the oral assessment criterias. Then the jury establishes the rank from the contestants and announces the results.


The final score of the paper is the sum of scores received from the jury at the oral round and the scores reached at the written test. The final scores will eventually give the finalized rank of papers.
Authors nominated at the I., II. and III. places will be honoured with a financial reward. 
Authors of the papers receive their award certificates at the award ceremony. The proposed date of the ceremony is: 25th of May, 2023, 11.00 
The TDK Office can provide a written document certifying the author’s results on the TDK contest.

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