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OTDK (country-level)

National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK)
The good quality papers of the institutional (university-level) Scientific Students’ Associations Conference, TDK have the right to apply for the National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference, OTDK (in Hungarian: Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia). OTDK is organized by the National Council of Student Research Societies, OTDT (in Hungarian: Országos Tudományos Diákköri Tanács). Its frequency is once in two years, it is held in Spring term of the odd years (following one is held in 2021).
Main information and instructions about the OTDK
There are 16 main OTDK sections per scientific fields. The most concerned /popular main sections for the studens of Corvinus University of Budapest:
  1. Economic Science Section (Közgazdaságtudományi Szekció)
  2. Social Science Section (Társadalomtudományi Szekció)
  3. Physics, Earth Sciences, Mathematics (Fizika, Földtudományok, Matematika / FiFöMa Szekció)
  4. Agricultural Science Section (Agrártudományi Szekció)

The main sections (szekció) are divided into narrower sections (tagozat). E.g. Economic Geography is a narrower section within Physics, Eatrh Sciences, Mathematics main section.
The rules could differ by sections.
Basically the official language of the TDK/OTDK is the Hungarian. However, in some sections it is allowed to upload the paper and the abstract in English and the presentation is also alowed to kept in English, for these cases the slides should be in Hungarian (Corvinus University must ensure an interpreter/translator).Only the assigned papers have the right to apply.
The following materials must be uploaded to the OTDK online platform:
  • The paper submitted to the institutional TDK without any modifications
  • An abstract (resumen) must be uploaded, it is allowed (recommended) to modify
  • A filled form for the application
  • Some enclosed appendices (depending on the own regulation of the given section)
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GEN.:2024.07.17. - 13:53:09