University Archives
The Archives of the Corvinus University of Budapest works as a competence centre in the academic organisation of the University: it has been collecting the historical documents of the central offices of the University and its legal predecessors, as well as the documents of its faculties and their organisational units since 1891.
The Archives of the University was founded in 1987. At the University, that has been controlled by a foundation since 2019, the Archives still functions as a continuously growing public archives.
The documents of central organisational units (rector’s and deans’ offices), as well as students’ academic records can be found here almost in full. However, regarding the documents of departments, the legacies of professors and the documents of trade unions and student associations, only some fragments are deposited in the Archives. By now it has become one of the largest university archives in Hungary, preserving a document collection of more than 1000 linear meters.
The public studying of documents is facilitated by research aids that are available in Hungarian, too – the most important of them being the so-called repertory –, source publications and digital contents compiled from organised (and more interesting) documents preserved in the Archives.
Anyone is welcome to do free-of-charge research work – limited by law only – in the documents of the Archives. More information on the documents preserved in the Archives of the CUB and the research possibilities is available in the already mentioned repertory.

The Archives performs external and internal data supplies, and has a research service. The terms of research are included in the Research room rules of the Archives. In certain groups of documents – based on legal regulations – research is limited.
Research requires registration. Any material in the Archives can be researched only locally, based on a request form, and cannot be borrowed.
Research time: Tuesday 9–13 and Thursday 12–16.
You need an appointment for research!
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér 8. I. 121.1
Zsidi Vilmos
Főlevéltáros / Senior Archivist
Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási és akadémiai közösségért felelős rh. / Egyetemi Levéltár