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General information

Where to look for what? 

Search for a specific document

Catalogue provides access to the Library’s physical collection. It is not the place to search for articles. In addition, subcribed and free ebooks, printed and electronic journals can be searched in Ebooks and Journals platform. To find an article or a book chapter, start the search with the title of the journal or book. In this platform, searching can also be performed for author of the book or for subject. 

Search by topic 

If you want to find scholarly literature for a topic, choose SuperSearch. It provides a one-step search in the following sources: library catalogue, majority of our scientific databases, Corvinus Research Papers, Doctoral Dissertations and in other free scholarly sources. In the database list you can check which databases are not indexed by SuperSearch (e.g. legal and statistical databases). Those databases have to be searched uniquely. Majority of the resources are in English. 

Search by keywords, use the search filtering options (e.g. fulltext, year, language, etc.), different search techniques (logical operators, truncation, phrase search, etc.) 

Search techniques

To refine a search in SuperSearch use the following search techniques: 

  • Phrase search: put the words between quotation marks, so they appear together in the result: eg. “social media”.  
  • Truncation: expands results. e.g.: econo*: economy, economics, economic, etc. A substitute character for truncation may be different in databases (e.g. *, ?) if you are in doubt, check the databases’ help section.
  • Logical (Boolean) operators:  
    • AND: narrows results. It will display only those documents where both searched terms appear: e.g. unemployment AND India. 
    • OR: expands search results.  Any of the terms will be displayed: UK OR United Kingdom. 
    • NOT: Excludes results located behind the operator: e.g. Car NOT Honda 

Beyond former search techniques, field searching helps in filtering results to a certain field, e.g. subjects, author, title, etc. 

Remote access (VPN, EduID, individual account) 

The library’s online resources (fulltext articles, e-books, database contents) are also available remotely using VPN, EduID or individual account. 

  1. VPN (Virtual Private Network): makes accessible all our electronic sources remotely. A VPN client must be installed in advance and before browsing logging into to the Corvinus network is necessary. 
  2. EduID:  in our database list you can check, which databases are accessbile with EduID. It does not require preliminary installation. While browsing on a site (e.g. Emerald), find our institution and identify yourself with your CUSMAN-credentials.  
  3. Individual account: some of our databases can be used with an individual account, e.g. Orbis 

Reference manager softwares

It is worth collecting search results in a reference manager software, e.g. Endnote web, Mendeley, Zotero. Basic difference among them, that some softwares require subscription while others are open source. 

Endnote (web): through a subcription to Web of Science (WoS) database provided by the library, Endnote Web reference manager software is available. 

Mendeley: Product of Elsevier company, free to use for anyone.  

Zotero: a free, open source, widely used software. 

From available softwares we recommend using Zotero, on our trainig sessions we demonstrate basic steps. 


The table below shows the basic conditions for using the subscribed databases. Should you have more question, do not hesitate to contact us at szolg@uni-corvinus.hu.

Authorized userCorvinus faculty, students, staff and external, registered library users. As a general criterion, databases may only be used for personal, research or educational purposes; business or commercial activities are excluded.
Remote accessAccess to the databases is allowed within the IP-range or via VPN or EduID using Cusman ID.
Printing, making electronic copies for personal useAuthorised users may print, make and store electronic copies for their exclusive use.
Orbis: Downloading, copying or printing of credit ratings are not allowed.
Using intranetA link can be placed in Intranet or e-learning platform with the indication of the copyright owner of the source material.
The following databases do not contain information about Intranet use: EBSCO databases, Orbis. For any inquiries please contact the library at szolg@uni-corvinus.hu.
Printing, making electronic copies for other usersThe subscribing institution’s library may provide print and electronic copies for other users for academic work or research.
Interlibrary loanTable of contents of subscribed documents, book chapters may be printed and distributed to non-commercial libraries located within the same country as the Subscriber.
Text and data mining (TDM)TDM, using automated tools, and publishing of results are allowed for scientific, research and educational purposes at these databases: Akadémiai Kiadó, Emerald Insight, Oxford Journals, SAGE products, Springer products, Taylor and Francis.
For enquiries using TDM in other databases, please contact the library at szolg@uni-corvinus.hu.

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