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Consultation rooms

Consultation room reservations will be closed from 29 June to 31 July 2024 and rooms can be used without reservation.

Certain rooms of the Library can be booked for group studies or projects. Booking can be done by faculty members or students of Corvinus University who are registered readers of the Library. They have to fill in an online form until 7. am. of the requested day, the latest.

  • Rooms can only be booked for 1 or 2 60 minute periods, starting and beginning at 00. For example, from 14:00 to 15:00 or 16:00. 
  • One room can be booked for at least 3 people’s group studying activities. 
  • Rooms can be booked 7 days prior to the booking date the earliest.

We will send an email about the successful booking One person may only request booking for up to two hours, for at least three people per room. The rooms – if they are free – are also available to university citizens without a previous reservation, until a booked time slot. If the room is reserved but it is not taken for twenty minutes after the appointed hour, the booking loses its validity – except for functions organized by the Library which are to take place in that room; such bookings remain valid. While using the rooms, the codes and norms of behaviour set by the Library are to be followed.

To fill in the form, please log in with stud.uni-corvinus.hu e-mail.

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