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Loan service

Where, how and when can I borrow?

  • On the 1st floor of the Library, at the self check-out points
  • Keep your library card ready.
  • Find the books in the Reading Rooms. The catalogue will tell you in which room, with what shelf code you will find the book you need.
  • Volumes from the stock can be requested by logging into the catalogue on weekdays from 9:00 – 18:30. You can only launch stock search on the Library’s computers.

Good to know:

  • Books that can be borrowed are marked white on the spine
  • Every shelf code can be found at two places: in the first floor borroing area and in one of the reading rooms.

How many documents can I borrow?

  • Corvinus students and external readers may borrow 8 volumes
  • Corvinus faculty and staff may borrow 30 volumes at the same time.

What’s the due date and where can I check?

To check due date log into the catalogue, check My library/My books. At borrowing, a bill can be printed with the deadline or an email can be sent about the borrowed volumes and deadlines.
Book(s) must be returned on due date the latest, or, if you still need it, prolong them.
You have to pay a fine for late returned books, for fees check Service Fees.


Books can be renewed 3 times. Possible ways of renewing:

When is it not possible to renew your books?

  • When you have already renewed your loan 3 times
  • The borrowed book has already been reserved by another reader
  • Your debt has exceeded 5000 HUF
  • The Library has started a legal procedure against you
  • The library card has expired sooner than your loan deadline

Returning documents

  • During opening hours at the self-service check-in point
  • You can use the drop-off container at the Library’s entrance during the building’s opening hours

Good to know:

If you leave your books inside the container, your loan is not terminated automatically. The book return will be processed later, possibly on the next day the Library is open.


You can reserve books borrowed by other readers online and free of charge, using the catalogue, if every copy of the work you need is currently borrowed.
In the catalogue, click on the reservation option appearing above the copy data of the book, then confirm the reservation by logging in.
We will notify you about the arrival of the book via email. It can be picked up from the automatic book vending machine (locker). Pick up within three days after the notification, otherwise your reservation will be terminated.

For how long can I borrow books?

The loan period depends on the loan category, the category of each book is indicated in the library catalogue which can be can be borrowed for 4 weeks or 2 weeks.

Staff and faculty members of Corvinus University can take volumes for 90 days.

Good to know:

Night loan: Books in reading rooms with a yellow stripe (meaning: not for loan), can be borrowed for a night/for a weekend. These can be taken away one hour before closing time and must be returned one hour after opening next day. Please turn to the librarian for night loans.

What can I not borrow?

  • printed newspapers, journals
  • manuscripts, dissertations, Students’ Research papers
  • old and rare books 

Reminders, notices

Keeping deadlines is the reader’s responsibility. A notice sent via email is only a service of convenience.

Good to know:

You can modify the email address you want to use for library correspondence by logging into the library catalogue, under Own library/personal data.

Settling overdue fines and debts

Overdue fines related to borrowing will automatically be calculated by the library for the opening day following the expiry. Calculation is closed when the book is taken back or the loan is renewed. Renewal does not exempt the reader from paying the overdue fine.
For Corvinus readers, every library fee (overdue fines, book compensation fees, lost card replacement fees) will be charged to the Neptun account and can only be settled there, by bank transfer or SimplePay.
Closed overdue fines are charged at the beginning of the following week, the deadline of payment is the eighth working day following that date.
Please keep your payment deadlines. When applying for examinations, expired debts charged to Neptun will be a hindrance. 
External readers can settle their debts in person by bank card or by bank transfer.

Lost or damaged books

  • Lost or damaged book is replaceable with the same or later edition.
  • If the book is not in trade, its value must be paid. (Value: estimated price of the book, but mininum 6000 HUF) 

You can report a lost book:

  • personally at Information Desk, or
  • by e-mail: library@uni-corvinus.hu

The Library informs the reader about the replacement cost by e-mail. After the 60th day following the end of the deadline the Library will declare the borrowed document lost, and will charge the compensation fee of the document on the reader.

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