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Library leisurely – Why (not) come to the library?

All electronic sources (e-books, e-journals, thesis repository) are accessible remotely using VPN, some other also via EduID. 

Renewing your books or making reservations are also possible online. To do them login to the catalog

Training and consultation sessions in different themes go through Teams or in-person. 

“I’m looking for that big blue book…” – how to find required reading?


To find a certain book you need to know its exact data. Use the catalogue separately or through SuperSearch. It is easier to find a book if you enter some keywords from the title and author’s surname.

Search in the catalogue.

Follow call numbers to find a book in the Reading Hall. If the book has an electronic version the link will direct you there.

Articles, e-journals, e-books

To find fulltext e-books and e-journals, choose Ebooks and Journals search platfrom from the opening page.  

To find an article in SuperSearch enter the “article title” in quotation marks. 

For specific information e.g. statistical data check database list. 

“To Google or not to Google?” – Topic search

To make a successful topic search first create a topic sentence that contains 5-6 keywords, e.g. The banking sector and its macroeconomic environment in Southeast. 

If you like quick and efficient work and your aim is to find scholarly sources use SuperSearch. This is the default search box at the opening page. Enter some keywords then refine the results. SuperSearch offers mainly English-language documents.

“Ctrl c- Ctrl v” – About references and plagiarism

References, reference manager softwares

During reading scholarly works take notes to be able to insert them as verbatim references or as a paraphrase. If you fail to do this, your thesis will be unauthentic and you might have been accused of plagiarism.

In-text references must contain the author’s surname and publishing year, in case of verbatim references add page number, too. From these in-text citations you need to create a reference list that comes to the end of your thesis. Check in advance which style you need to use (e.g. APA, Harvard).

To simplify your work, use a reference manager software (e.g. Mendeley, Zotero). They collect, store your documents even full-text articles. With some clicks you can insert references and create a reference list. 

Zotero user guide


If you miss presenting sources or your references are incorrect you commit plagiarism.

Thesis at Corvinus are checked with Turnitin text similarity checker which is set by your supervisor in Moodle. If you use correct references and citations, you will avoid plagiarism. High percentage in itself does not mean plagiarism, it is your supervisor who makes the final decision.

“As you write” – tips for a term paper

Start writing after you have collected literature and made annotations. It is advisable that you write first just a draft, later you can use it as a map.

More tips are available in this book:

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