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Lecturers / Researchers

Research support courses

„LibCafé” – group consultation

LibCafé will start at 2 p.m. with short Hungarian language presentations.


1. Latest news – new sources, new services, MI-novelties etc.

2. All about the h-index –Focus points of the former online presentation – Erzsébet Nyitrai

Short presentations will be followed by an informal consultation with representatives of the different Library fields with particular attention to these topics:

– Scholarly sources, literature acquisition, library trainings (Krisztina Kőrösi, István Bavalics)

– MTMT, Researcher identifiers, Scientometrics, Open Access, Ensuring visibility, h-index (Éva Demecs, Erzsébet Nyitrai, Ádám Hoffmann)

– Text similarity check of scientific articles (Alexandra Horváth)

– AI in BCE: applications, subscriptions, ethical aspects (Attila Dabis)

That time we are unable to offer personal consultation on the areas University publishing and Research data management due to the absence of the colleagues concerned.

In addition to the above topics, we will try to answer any other questions related to library services, e.g.: training services integration into courses, digitisation service, collaborative projects etc.

Individual consultation sessions about issues listed above and other library services are offered throughout the year.

Date: 28 April, 2025, 2 p.m. – 4.p.m. Library, Aquarium (Lecture room)

We welcome preliminary application, but feel free to join without it.


Topics in the Spring session:

  • All about the h-index – Erzsébet Nyitrai
    • How to calculate it?
    • How to increase it?
    • What makes it increase and what doesn’t? – Criteria for citing and cited publications
    • Why does the h-index in MTMT not catch my results in Google Scholar?
  • Predatory conferences: which participation requests should be dismissed! – A case study – Attila Dabis

Time: 9 April, 2025, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The Teams session will be recorded and later shared.

Training sessions integrated into university courses

The sessions aim at improving searching skills, informing students about printed and electronic materials, academic, statistical and business databases available at CUB. Besides library offered documents we give information about reliable scholarly OA-sources. This session supports conscious and ethical use of scholarly sources, teach students to use references properly, offer reference manager softwares.

Duration: 45-60 minutes/modules. More training sessions are selectable using the same form.

Individual or group consultation

The library offers individual and small group consultation sessions for CUB lecturers, PhD-students, covering different library fields and services. To request any of them please fill in the following form.

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