Corvinus expands its international partner network
Corvinus gained five new prestigious international partners in 2021.Corvinus University of Budapest is currently considered the best educational institution in Hungary in the fields of economics, management, and social sciences. Therefore, we are putting a strong emphasis on developing a high-quality international partner network and improving our international embeddedness. To achieve these goals, we are taking a proactive approach to creating new international networks, and initiate international partnerships based on quality criteria.
In 2021, we concluded agreements with several prestigious international partners, thus our students can apply for part-time training programmes at Université Laval (Canada), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands), Washington State University (United States), Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) and the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) Graduate School of Business (Russia) as well. Corvinus currently has about 250 partner universities in more than 50 countries around the globe.
The procedures we follow when selecting our partnerships were set by the university’s International Committee, based on strongly standardized quality criteria, and our mobility team is continuously monitoring our network of international partners. We strive to offer our students an opportunity to pursue international part-time studies at carefully selected partners. The standards we consider include the potential partner institution’s position in international and domestic rankings; international accreditations and certifications; network memberships. At the same time, we also value our longstanding fruitful relationships and the collaborations where unique circumstances dominate (e.g. regional focus, special training programmes).