Corvinus raised its point limits further
Article of the Hungarian news portal FigyelőCorvinus admitted 2,809 students for the 2020-2021 academic year, down 20 percent from last year, with only the best admitted. For economic programmes, the point limit was 427 points.
The Corvinus University of Budapest (hereinafter: ‘Corvinus’) once again admitted the best performing students for the new academic year. It is not good that a significant part of talented high school students go abroad to study, said the Rector of the University András Lánczi, in a backroom meeting. He added that there is nothing wrong with someone studying abroad, but “let no one go abroad out of sheer snobbery.” Regarding the point limits, the rector said: instead of last year’s 3,500, this year 2,800 students were admitted, they did not want to lower the point limits, they tried to raise them for every programme. “We admitted 20 percent fewer students to Corvinus this year, but that is our decision” – he added.
“We are looking to provide elite training, and that is not a secret goal of ours” – stated the President of Corvinus Anthony Radev. In one year, we hired 44 new teachers and increased the wages of the teachers by 25 percent, with the current number of teachers at the institution being 480-500. In connection with the budget of the university, it is already budgeting with HUF 20 billion this year, a year earlier the budget of the higher education institution operating in the form of a foundation was HUF 16-17 billion.
“Five years ago, in 2016, 111,000 people applied to Corvinus, and this year 91,400 applications were submitted” – stated the University’s Deputy Rector Lajos György Szabó. This year, 8 percent of those applying to higher education wanted to study at the university, a proportion that has been stagnant for years. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 80 percent of BSc students can study for free as Corvinus scholarship holders, with one-third of the students foreign. The Deputy Rector added that the most popular programmes were international studies, international business, and communication and media studies.
“Last year, the amount of the scholarship at the university was HUF 12,000, this year it is HUF 70,000, being a typical area where we implemented changes” – said the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, Zsolt Hernádi, adding that good academic results are expected and that students compete for scholarship places.