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Direct mail forwarding to end

From 1 February on it will not be possible to redirect official university email messages to other mailing systems.

The most important advantage of terminating this function is enhanced information security because it is only if the University controls data on its own portals and in its own IT systems that it can adequately protect them. No responsibility can be assumed for these if external service providers are also involved. 

A forwarding with the wrong settings one may easily end up not receiving their mails at all. Some mailing systems often place forwarded mails to the junk mail account. Another frequently encountered problem with mail redirecting is that when one wishes to respond to a university mail one will do so from a private email address.

To ensure identifiability and authenticity electronic mails on university mattes can be sent only from our official email addresses (givenname.familyname@uni-corvinus.hu, and (givenname.familyname@stud.uni-corvinus.hu)! Anyone failing to do so will, from 1 February, receive a response letter regarding any and all mails forwarded to external addresses, stating that the email cannot be sent. Receiving such warning mails cannot be restricted or terminated.

M365 software package

Microsoft 365 is the Office package supported by Corvinus, freely accessible for every university citizen. Its mailing system – Outlook – can also be used on a cloud-based version as well as installed on computers and mobile phones. We kindly request that every student and staff member use their university email addresses only through this system!

Choose our Do it online! platform!

  • Instant information in the current articles
  • Fast and traceable solution processes
  • Always up to date information
  • The questions you send will get the appropriate person immediately
  • Constantly expanding content
  • Replaces thematic email address

We are kindly asking all stakeholders to terminate redirecting to any external email addresses as quickly as possible because this function will not work from 1 February.

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GEN.:2024.07.27. - 12:21:19