3rd Understanding East Central European Countries (UECEP) Conference
3rd Understanding East Central European Countries (UECEP) ConferenceSzervezők elérhetősége
C épület, 515
Phone: +36 1 482 7386 • Ext: 7386
The Department of Political Science at the Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) and the Mathias Corvinus Collegium cordially invites researchers and experts of ECE politics to participate in the 3rd “Understanding East Central European Politics” conference.
The conference will be held at CUB in Budapest on 22 May. We generally aim at giving the participants the opportunity to present and discuss their latest research findings on the contemporary political issues of ECE. This year, however, we give priority to applicants, who interpret the developments of the past 30 years in our region. The anniversary of the fall of communism can be commemorated by analysing various trends in recent political history or assessing the outcome of post-communist changes.
The keynote lecture (entitled: ‘From Skanzen to Laboratory’) will be delivered by Professor Vít Hloušek (Masaryk University).
Papers are welcome in the following topics
- Institutional Changes in ECE Countries
- Parties and Party Systems of ECE Countries
- Elections and Electoral Politics in ECE
- Political Regimes and Power Relations in ECE
- Governance, Public Policies, and Public Administration in ECE
- Local Politics and Self-governance in ECE Countries
- Political Mobilization, Campaigns, and Civil Society in ECE countries
- Politics and Media in ECE Countries
- Sovereignty, National Security and EU Relations
- Cooperation among the ECE Countries
Papers will be selected for presentations which will take place in thematic panels. Applications for organising and chairing the panels are open for you. The best papers – chosen by an international advisory board – will be published electronically in Political Science Online, an electronic journal edited by the Department of Political Science at CUB.
The participation fee is EUR 100. Young experts, under the age of 30, can participate for a reduced fee of EUR 65. The fee covers lunch, coffee break catering and a farewell dinner during the conference day.
Applicants are invited to submit their abstracts before 15 March, 2020. Deadlines for the payment of the participation fee and paper submission are 15 April and 30 April, 2020, respectively.
Other important dates
Acceptance notification: 30 March, 2020
Confirmation of participation fee payment: 30 April, 2020
Announcement of the finalized programme: 10 May, 2020
Publication notification: 30 June, 2020
Publication of distinguished papers: October, 2020
Abstracts, papers, and inquiries are expected to be sent to uecep@uni-corvinus.hu