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Agritourism Strategy – Hungarian Conditions and Opportunities

High-quality local products + sustainability + storytelling = an authentic agritourism experience.
2024.10.04. 13:40 – 2024.10.04. 15:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Időpont: 14 October 2024 13:40-15:00 

Helyszín:  Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, C Building C109. 

Language: Hungarian 


The agritourism strategy has been completed. In connection with this, tourism expert Zsolt Matoltsy will present an overview of domestic producer services and the potential for developing agritourism during the first lecture of the Mobility and Tourism Research Center’s sustainable tourism event series. 

A more detailed description of the event can be found at this link. 

Please confirm your participation in the lecture by RSVPing to the Facebook event. 

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