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ASPA’s 8th International Young Scholars Workshop at Corvinus

8 Jul. 2024, 9:00 AM - 12 Jul. 2024, 11:00 AM
Extended registration until 6 June! The inspiring training for future public administration leaders will be held at the Gellért Campus from 7-12 July.
2024.07.08. 09:00 – 2024.07.12. 11:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 7-12 July 2024 

Location: Corvinus Gellért Campus 


The esteemed American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), revered as the premier professional membership association for public service, proudly announces the commencement of its 8th Summer Young Scholar Workshop at Corvinus University from July 7th to 12th. The workshop is designed for early-career researchers such as PhD students, assistant professors, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals in the early stages of their academic careers. 

Extended registration until 6 JuneThe detailed programme can be found here. 

ASPA President Patria de Lancer Julnes (in the picture) finalized the Workshop agreement in Budapest last week, where she also toured the Ménesi Campus, the designated venue for the upcoming summer university. 

Corvinus’s international and domestic reputation in public administration is further bolstered by its European Accreditation of Public Administration-accredited MSc in Public Policy and Management. Further, the university’s Department of Public Policy maintains close ties with prominent European and global scholarly organizations. 

The workshop’s agenda encompasses a series of engaging sessions, including presentations by both young and senior scholars, professional development workshops, and opportunities for networking. Participants will also benefit from mentorship provided by distinguished senior scholars, individual consultations, and group discussions tailored to their research interests and career goals. 

The workshop’s draft schedule promises a dynamic and enriching experience, featuring keynote presentations, breakout sessions, and cultural excursions. Highlights include academic discussions on topics such as building academic institutions, standing out in the academic job market, teaching in academia, writing and publishing in academia, and obtaining grants and fellowships. 

For inquiries, please contact György Hajnal (Head of Department of Public Policy) via email at gyorgy.hajnal@uni-corvinus.hu. 

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