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Christina Valeria Puga Alvarez online PhD defence 

The defence of the dissertation entitled Cooperation on Non-Proliferation: An Analysis of the Treaty Of Tlatelolco and the Latin American And Carribbean Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ).
2022.06.15. 16:00
1093. Online event, MS Teams
Information: eszter.viragh@uni-corvinus.hu
Corvinus Épület

The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Christina Valeria Puga Alvarez doctoral candidate entitled Cooperation on Non-Proliferation: An Analysis of the Treaty Of Tlatelolco and the Latin American And Carribbean Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ) to public defence. 

Language of the defence: English 

The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository

Supervisor: Zoltán Gálik PhD, Corvinus 

Members of the Defence Committee: 

Chair: László Csicsmann PhD hab., Corvinus 

Secretary: Zoltán Kelemen PhD, Corvinus 


  • Erzsébet N. Rózsa DSc hab., NKE 
  • Kinga Szálkai PhD, ELTE 


  • Erzsébet Kaponyi CSc hab., prof. emer., Corvinus 
  • Éva Ignáth PhD, Corvinus 
  • Zoltán Szenes CSc, NKE 

Please indicate your intention to participate the event, no later than 2 days before the defence to: eszter.viragh@uni-corvinus.hu – preferably with your official UNI-CORVINUS email address. Only applicants can join the TEAMS group. 

Those wishing to take part in the defence have the opportunity to formulate written questions and remarks about the dissertation – giving their name, place of work, position, e-mail address – within 5 calendar days of the publication, which they can send to the secretary of the committee: zoltan.kelemen@uni-corvinus.hu 

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