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Back to the event list06/03/2025

Do you like poetry? Unfulfilled – Poems of Love, by Hajnal Zsófia

7 Apr. 2025, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Zsófia Hajnal is a Budapest based Hungarian economist and poet. While her doctoral dissertation, Reinterpreting the Moral Economy, written at the Corvinus University of Budapest is approaching its final stages, a selection of her poems has recently been published too.
2025.04.07. 18:00 – 2025.04.07. 19:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 07 April 2025 18:00-19:00 

Location: Gellért Campus, Study Area 

Zsófia has lived five years of her childhood in Germany and studied several months at a UK university as a young adult. In October 2009 she met her main inspiration – a fellow student back then. The first poems came in the late 2010’s. Zsófia’s main theme in poetry is romantic love, especially the aspects of longing and hope, as the title of her book Unfulfilled – Poems of Love, Longing, and Hope says. What she enjoys about writing, beyond self-expression and the recharging function of the process, are the frequent coincidences, mostly in the form of rhymes that arise in the lines as if by external design. The poet is a regular participant at the open mic events of the Budapest Poetry Collective community. 

The program is organised by the University Library. 

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