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Live Q&A on the University Research Fellowship Programme (EKÖP)

Ahead of the 7 July deadline for submissions, the Project Management team of the Call for Proposals will be available live via Teams to answer questions.
2024.07.04. 14:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 4 July 2024, Thursday 14.00-15.00  

Online event  

Applicants (undergraduate, master’s, doctoral students and young researchers) for the University Research Fellowship (EKÖP) will be given the opportunity to ask any questions they may have in the meantime. Colleagues will not prepare a special presentation for the meeting. The main topics of the call for proposals, which is open until 7 July 2024, will be the following: 

– interpretation of the call for applications (questions on eligibility, binding commitments etc.) 

– filling in annexes 

– documentation relating to the call for proposals 

– how to send the application package 

– other issues raised 

More information about the call for proposals can be found here: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/main-page/life-at-corvinus/scholarship/egyetemi-kutatoi-osztondij-ekop-2/ekop-osztondij-2024-2025/?lang=en 

To participate in the event, please use the contact details below: 

Joining the meeting  

Conference ID: 399 349 088 957  

Authentication code: 7sbHru 

In addition to the Teams meeting, questions about the application can still be sent by e-mail to unkp_bce@uni-corvinus.hu. 

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