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GEO Lectures Webinar

31 Mar. 2025, 1:57 AM 1093. Budapest, Közraktár utca
Investigating the State’s Relative Potential" by Nuno Morgado
2020.05.28. 16:00
1093. Budapest, Közraktár utca
Entry fee: pl. 4000/fő
Information: +36 1 234-56-78 / viktor.eszterhai@uni-corvinus.hu
Tickets / registration link

The Department of Geography, Geoeconomy and Sustainable Development is pleased to announce the new GEO Lectures series webinar, called “Investigating the State’s Relative Potential: the First Step in Geopolitical Analysis” which will be held on 28th May. Our guest lecturer will be Prof. Nuno Morgado.

The model of Neoclassical Geopolitics posits that the state’s relative potential constitutes a fundamental part of systemic stimuli. The lecture aims to shed light upon the concept of “state’s potential”, contrast the concepts of “power” and “potential”, and reflect on the methodological tasks for the state’s potential evaluation and its difficulties.

Nuno Morgado is a Research Fellow at The Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS) with the financial support of the Hungarian National Bank and lecturer at the Department of Geography, Geoeconomy and Sustainable Development, Corvinus University of Budapest and an Adjunct Professor, Institute of Political Studies, Charles University.

The language of the lecture is English.
Participation is open but is subject to registration (until 27th May)
The webinar will be available on MS Teams.

Registrations for a webinar

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


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