Is Japan’s New Security Strategy based on Japan’s Geopolitical Code?
The Lab of Geopolitics, Corvinus University of Budapest will organize an online public lecture entitled ‘Is Japan’s New Security Strategy based on Japan’s Geopolitical Code?’ with an international political scienctist.

Language: English
The event takes place online, all interested are welcome. You can join directly via the Facebook event ( or by using the QR code on the cover picture.
Dr. Takashi Hosoda is a Japanese international political scientist and security studies scholar living in the Czech Republic. His research focuses are on China’s Multi-domain warfare, Military-Civil fusion, Japan-European Maritime Security/Space Security Cooperation, Security observation of the Indo-Pacific theater including the East China Sea/South China Sea, as well as on possible Taiwan contingency.
Major publications:
- “National Identity, National Pride, and ‘Armed force’ in Japan–How to verify the existence of pacifist culture in Japan-,” Identity, Culture, and Memory in Japanese Foreign Policy, Peter Lang, New York, February 2021.
- “Considering New Geopolitical Analysis on Japan-China Equivocal Relations,” Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century, Nova Science Publishers, New York, January 2021.
The latest publications:
- “Japan has changed its approach to national security and defense,”, February 2023.
- “The Challenge of Euro-Atlantic Alliances in the ’Era of Savagery’ and Its Impact on Asia,” The Year 2023, The Era of Savagery, Soseisha, Tokyo, February 2023.
In this lecture, using Japan as a case study to examine the consistency between geopolitical codes and actual policies, the following questions will be examined:
- Is Japan’s new security strategy, approved by the Cabinet last December, really based on Japan’s geopolitical code? Or is it based on a political dynamic for resolving the security dilemma of “abandonment and entrapment” in alliance politics?
- does the new security strategy have any traces of Japan’s own attempts to pursue national interests, although Tokyo tends to keep accepting and following U.S. policies?