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Apply to EVK Games!

Would you like to get involved at Corvinus? Immerse yourself in the university community? If you enjoy playing cards, chatting, having fun, and most importantly, winning, then this is the place for you!
2024.09.18. 20:00 – 2024.10.02. 23:59
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 18.09. from 20:00 
Location: AfriCafé 
Date: 09.25. from 20:00 
Location: AfriCafé 
Pub Quiz 
Date: 10.02. from 20:00 
Location: AfriCafé 

Dorm olympics 
Date: 10.09. from 20:00 
Location: level L2-3, Kinizsi Dormitory 
Don’t miss out on the chance to claim the grand prize! 

Follow the event for more details and be sure to register using the link below. 

Bring your friends and join us for a fun game!   


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