Gábor Kerékgyártó PhD defence
The defence of the dissertation entitled „Fiatalok vállalkozóvá válását serkentő és gátló tényezők”.Date: 26 January, 2023; 1.30pm
Venue: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building C, Room 103.
Information: monika.herman@uni-corvinus.hu
The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Gábor Kerékgyártó doctoral candidate entitled „Fiatalok vállalkozóvá válását serkentő és gátló tényezők” to public defence.
Language of the defence: Hungarian
Supervisor: László Kállay PhD
Opponents: Miklós Stocker PhD, Corvinus; Imre Egri PhD, NYE; Orsolya Gergely PhD, EMTE
At the public meeting, all participants can comment or ask questions. The dissertation can be viewed in the Central Library of the Corvinus University of Budapest, and is also available at the link below.
Organizer: Corvinus Doctoral Schools