Kitti Kutrovátz online PhD defence
The defence of the dissertation entitled “Intensive parenting - Perspectives on Parental Time and Mediation of Technology Use”.The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Kitti Kutrovátz doctoral candidate entitled “Intensive Parenting Perspectives on Parental Time and Mediation of Technology Use” to public defence.
Language of the defence: English
The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository.
- Beáta Nagy CSC habil., Corvinus
- Gábor Király PhD habil., BGE
Members of the Defence Committee:
Chair: Ferenc Moksony DSc, Corvinus
Secretary: Lilla Vicsek PhD, Corvinus
- Hanna Haskova PhD, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Bence Ságvári PhD, Corvinus
- Tamás Bartus PhD, Corvinus
- Olga Tóth CSc, Centre for Social Sciences
- Júlia Koltai PhD, Centre for Social Sciences
- Éva Sztárayné Kézdy PhD, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
Please indicate your intention to participate the event, no later than 2 days before the defence to: – preferably with your official UNI-CORVINUS email address. Only applicants can join the TEAMS group.
Those wishing to take part in the defence have the opportunity to formulate written questions and remarks about the dissertation – giving their name, place of work, position, e-mail address – within 5 calendar days of the publication, which they can send to the secretary of the committee:
Organizer: Corvinus Doctoral Schools