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Launch of SFI Report 2020

We are thrilled to announce that the Social Futuring Index (SFI) 2020 developed by the Social Futuring Center of Corvinus University of Budapest has become available.
2021.03.18. 09:00
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér
Online event
Entry fee: pl. 4000/fő
Information: +36 1 234-56-78 / sfc@uni-corvinus.hu

The Social Futuring Center has launched the Social Futuring Index – Concept, Methodology and Full Report 2020 with the webpage of Social Futuring Index (SFI) on the 18th of March 2020.

The Index website can be found at the following link: http://index.socialfuturing.com/

The video introducing the Index is available on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmJoIJYYneE

The SFI Full Report aims to summarize the concept of Social Futuring and the methodology applied for the compilation of the Social Futuring Index (SFI). The 2020 SFI rankings of OECD countries and their detailed country SFI profiles are presented too. The first part of the volume outline the foundations and the basic logic of the SFI focusing on its main elements: the normative standards, the pillars, the dimensions and the indicators. Also summarizes the methodology used to compile the SFI. In the second part, the detailed SFI Report 2020 is presented starting with OECD countries’ overall SFI rankings, followed by country rankings for each SFI normative standard as well as various country groupings. Thereafter, every OECD country’s SFI profiles are detailed and the OECD countries’ SFI clusters are outlined.

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