Online defence of PhD candidate Adrienn Tóth-Ferenci
The defence of the dissertation entitled “Power realism versus normative institutionalism in the Council of Europe - The responses of the Organisation to the political and legal challenges to effective multilateralism”.Organizer:
The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Adrienn Tóth-Ferenci doctoral candidate entitled “Power realism versus normative institutionalism in the Council of Europe – The responses of the Organisation to the political and legal challenges to effective multilateralism” to public defence.
Please indicate your intention to participate the event, no later than 2 days before the defence to: – preferably with your official UNI-CORVINUS email address. Only applicants can join the TEAMS group.
Language of the defence: English
The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository.
Supervisor: Kaponyi Erzsébet Professor emerita, Corvinus
Members of the Defence Committee:
Chair: Bradean-Ebinger Nelu CSc habil.; Corvinus
Secretary: Kemenszky Ágnes PhD; Corvinus University
Kántor Zoltán PhD Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE)
Olaf Köndgen PhD Council of Europe
Tóth Norbert PhD University of Public Service (NKE)
Stepper Péter PhD Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (KKI)