Online Conference
To honor Iván T. Berend on his 90th birthdayOrganized by the Department of Economic Policy and Labor Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, the conference takes place on the 16th of December, from 5 pm to honor the 90-year-old Professor Iván T. Berend (Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles; Rector Emeritus, Corvinus University of Budapest).
Professor Berend taught at our university for long decades, and he was our rector between 1973 and 1979. From 1985 to 1990, he was the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. One of the most prominent Hungarian economic-historians of all times, Professor Berend is the author of several Hungarian and foreign language books, and has been member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2015. At the online conference, Hungarian and foreign presenters will celebrate him a few days after his 90th birthday. Professor Berend will himself deliver the keynote lecture in the Hungarian section of the conference, and will share his comments and reflections in the subsequent English section.
CLICK HERE to join the conference on Microsoft Teams.
The detailed program of the conference can be downloaded HERE.