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Public defence of PhD candidate Gergő Háló

The Sociology and Communication Science Doctoral School of Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Gergő Háló doctoral candidate entitled “Bridging the divide: Unveiling global disparities and local challenges in academic internationalization for a holistic approach to change.” to public defence.
2024.12.11. 09:00 – 2024.12.11. 11:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 11.12.2024 09:00-11:00 

Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building E. III.  

Language of the defence: English 


The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository 



  • Márton Demeter PhD habil. (NKE) 
  • Réka Varga PhD (NKE) 

Members of the Defence Committee: 

  • Chair: Tamás Bartus PhD habil. (Corvinus)  
  • Secretary: Lilla Petronella Szabó PhD (Corvinus)  
  • Reviewer: Orsolya Vásárhelyi PhD (Corvinus)  
  • Reviewer: Katalin Fehér PhD habil. (NKE) 
  • Member: Dalma Lilla Dominek (NKE) 


At the public meeting, all participants can comment or ask questions. 

Those interested can continuously monitor the expected and completed defences on the University’s website under News-Events, as well as separately in the PhD defences menu. 

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