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Public defence of Szemereyné Pataki Klaudia

The dissertation is entitled: “Global employment policy challenges and local responses in the labour market of Kecskemét”.
2024.11.12. 09:30 – 2024.11.12. 12:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 12 November 2024. 9:30-12:00 

Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, E building, room E.2001 

Language: Hungarian 

The University Doctoral Committee of the Corvinus University of Budapest has released for public examination Szemereyné Pataki Klaudia doctoral candidate’s (Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science) doctoral dissertation entitled: “Global employment policy challenges and local responses in the labour market of Kecskemét”. 

The defence will be in Hungarian.  

The dissertation and thesis materials are available in the Repository of the University. 


Thesis Supervisor: Miklós Rosta PhD (Corvinus) 

 Members of the Culture Committee:   

 President: Péter Gedeon CSc (Corvinus) 

Secretary: József Golovics PhD (Corvinus) 

Assessor: Márton Péti PhD (Corvinus) 

External member: András Székely-Doby PhD (ELTE) 


Interested parties can keep track of the expected and completed PhD theses on the University’s website under PhD theses

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