The geographical dimension of films and film production

Language: Hungarian
At the next event in the Economic Geography Lectures series, Dr. habil. Anna Irimiás, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism, will give a lecture on “Geographical aspects of films and film production”.
Cities are places of film creativity. According to the psychogeographical approach, a specific emotional state, images and dreams are associated with a given urban environment. These subsequently influence the imaginative world associated with the city. The relationship between cities and films, and the media more broadly, can also be observed in the construction of this imaginary world. This presentation will explore the impact of films on the life of the cities in which they are shot.
Dr. Anna Irimiás is a tourism researcher whose main research interests include film tourism and the overall economic and social impact of film production. She has published extensively on tourist behaviour, consumption and management of cultural and heritage tourism destinations. All are welcome to attend the lecture.