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Blood donation at Corvinus

5 Mar. 2025, 11:00 AM
On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and ParaSport Day, in cooperation with the Hungarian Red Cross, we organise a voluntary blood donation on campus.
2025.03.05. 11:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 05 March 2025, 11:00-17:00 

Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, building E, auditorium III.   

Whether you’re a regular donor or just giving blood for the first time, you’re welcome to donate. By taking 20 minutes out of your day, you could save the lives of up to 3 people in need.   

What you need to donate blood 

  •  you need to be healthy! No colds, sore throats or other illnesses… 

  •  minimum weight: 50 kg 

  •  required documents: Personal ID (or driver’s license or passport), health insurance card (TAJ), and proof of address 

  •  eat beforehand & stay hydrated! You will donate 450 ml of blood, which your body has in reserve, but drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent any issues 

  • avoid physical exertion on the day of the donation, instead indulge in sugary drinks or sweets! 


Who can donate and how often 

  •  age limit: 18-60 years old (up to 65 for regular donors) 

  •  frequency:  Men 4-5 times per year, Women up to 4 times per year (after menopause, only with medical approval) 

  •  minimum interval between donations: 8 weeks / 56 days 

  •  anemia check on-site via a painless finger prick 

  •   taking medication does not necessarily disqualify you, except for antibiotics, final decision is made by the examining doctor 


When you cannot donate 

  •  after dental work (tooth extraction, root canal), antibiotic use or herpes infection → wait 4 weeks 

  •  diabetes (Type 1, insulin-dependent) → not eligible 

  •  not allowed during pregnancy, up to one year after childbirth, and for at least six months after breastfeeding ends 

  •  tattoos, piercings, acupuncture → wait 6 months 

  •  tick bite → wait 6-8 weeks (symptoms can appear later), confirmed Lyme disease → permanent exclusion 

  •  travel to malaria-risk areas within a year: If no medication was taken → wait 6 months. If malaria medication was taken → consult a doctor, but at least 3 years wait 

  • foreign citizens living and residing in Hungary who meet the conditions for donating blood at the first application – only a blood sample will be taken, and if the results of laboratory tests show no discrepancies, they can donate whole blood after 180 days 


Safety and data protection 

  • no risk of infection, only single-use equipments are used 

  • your data is securely handled in compliance with data protection regulations by the National Blood Supply Service 


Think about it, and if you can fit it into your day, donate blood to help those in need! 


The event is organised in cooperation with Corvinus Student Journey and Welfare, the Corvinus Centre for Physical Education and Sports and the Hungarian Red Cross.   

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