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PhD defence of Gábor Vona

Dissertation is entitled: “Increasing Consciousness and Responsibility in Several Fields of Sustainability”.
2024.10.07. 09:45 – 2024.10.07. 12:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 07 October 2024. 09:45 – 12:00 

Location:  Corvinus, Main building E2001 

Language: Hungarian 

The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Mr Gábor Vona doctoral candidate entitled “Increasing Consciousness and Responsibility in Several Fields of Sustainability” to public defence. 

The dissertation was evaluated by: Borbála Szüle PhD, Corvinus; Gergely Tóth PhD, MATE 

Supervisor: Gábor Harangozó PhD 

The dissertation and the thesis booklet are available here. 

The public defence will be in Hungarian. 

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