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Back to the event list12/03/2025

Water-preserving soil in droughts – Science Shop LOESS project continues in Lakitelek

21 Mar. 2025, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Rain gardens, climate solutions, the educational programme of the Lakitelek Colour Garden and the water retention capacity of healthy soil will be discussed in Hungarian at the next event of the Corvinus Science Shop LOESS - Soil Health in Education research project.
2025.03.21. 15:00 – 2025.03.21. 18:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 21 March 2025 15:00 – 18:00 

Location: Lakitelek, Színeskert Iskolakert (6065 Lakitelek, Kiss János utca 1.) and Lakiteleki Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Ház Közösségi Színtér (6065 Lakitelek, Széchenyi körút 46.) 

Language: Hungarian 

Organizer: Corvinus Science Shop 

One of the greatest challenges of our time in Hungary is water scarcity, driven by climate change and inappropriate water use in the landscape. 

But what if our soil itself could be the solution? During the programme, you’ll learn about real, working water conservation methods that you can apply in your own garden, and we’ll talk about how to scale them up. 

More details at the Facebook event. 



15:00 – 16:00 | Rain gardens in practice 

Location: Színeskert School Garden, SzínesKert Foundation – in the garden of the local school (6065 Lakitelek Kiss János street 1.) 

  • Ilona Szelesné Kása, an eco-art teacher, will present the two rain gardens in the Színeskert School Garden project and share her experiences on how to get started, what challenges to watch out for and why rain gardens can be a good solution to get through droughts. There will also be a discussion on another solution, the so called „arid garden”, which is all about what to plant in the driest parts of the garden to avoid watering in times of drought. 

16:30 – 18:00 | The future of water conservation – what can we do at individual and community level? 

Location: Lakiteleki Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Ház Közösségi Színtér (6065 Lakitelek, Széchenyi Street 46.) 

  • Interactive discussion on how water conservation solutions such as rain gardens and landscape management techniques could be more widely disseminated. Practical action plans and ideas for community-level change will be discussed. 

This event is part of the LOESS – Soil Health in Education international research project coordinated by the Corvinus Science Shop in Hungary. 

Come along if you want to learn more about how to make your environment water-safe – on a small or large scale! 

The event is free, everyone is welcome! 

The Sustainability Theme of the Month project continues in March, this time focusing on Active Hope in Communities. One such collaborative action is the LOESS project event in Lakitelek, where we are bringing together many actors to learn and share experiences together. All sustainability-related enquiries, ideas and feedback are welcome at mate.kovacs2@uni-corvinus.hu. 

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