Get to know our IT systems!
IT systems are an essential part of modern education. Getting the right software and the right access codes in time is crucial for a successful academic year.
Educational IT systems
Please note that you will not be able to complete the semester without the following installations/registrations, so we recommend that you complete the below detailed tasks as soon as possible.
The CUSMAN system allows you to use different IT services with the same username and password. When you first log in to CUSMAN, your university email address will be created which you will need for study administration purposes and to communicate with the University.
If you have not previously logged in to CUSMAN, please do so after you have been notified by email. You can start logging in once your details have been entered into the neptun system.
Why is it important?
- Your university email address (… is generated during your CUSMAN login. To comply with privacy and university regulations, we cannot communicate with you via your private email address in the future.
- You can access Microsoft Teams with your university email address and your CUSMAN password. You can also check your university email address and change your password in the CUSMAN interface.
- You can also connect to campus Wi-Fi with your CUSMAN data.
You can access the CUSMAN page here. Please change your password after the first login. After changing your password will your access be final.
You can find more information about the CUSMAN system here.
Neptun is the unified education system used at the University. On this platform, you can perform most administrative tasks related to your studies, such as registering for active or passive semesters, registering for courses, paying fees, submitting requests, registering for exams and many other functions. It is also where your grades are recorded.
Please keep track of the administrative tasks to be carried out in neptun! These are available on the University website. After the in-person enrolment, the first most important thing you will have to do is to decide on your Active/Passive status and enrol for at least one course unit.
Why is it important?
User-level knowledge of the neptun system and the ability to perform administrative tasks are of increased importance, as they are essential for the successful completion of your studies. Failure to complete certain administrative tasks can not only be financially burdensome but can also increase the lenght of your studies. Please always check the current administrative requirements and deadlines, which are published on the university website.
Here you can access the Corvinus neptun system.
You can log in to the neptun system with your 6-digit neptun code and your Neptun password created by you. If you experience any difficulties logging in, please report them to us via MyCorvinus HUB / Intézd Online! under “Technical problems – neptun, Moodle, Teams, CUSMAN“! We will inform you about your neptun code by email shortly after your successful admission.
Moodle is the University’s e-learning system. The content displayed here depends on the courses you have taken. Your professors will inform you about your tasks that you will have to perform here.
You will be able to log in to Moodle with the same data after registering with CUSMAN. The content and activities available will vary from one individual to another depending on the courses taken.
Why is it important?
You will use Moodle for your studies. Among other things, you will have access to the requirements for your courses, materials and presentations from your professors. Depending on the course, you will also be able to submit your coursework, assignments and exams here.
You can log in to Moodle with your CUSMAN username and password. If you experience any difficulties logging in, please contact
Microsoft Teams is the University’s unified communication and collaboration platform.
If you do not already have the Microsoft Teams desktop app, we recommend you download it as soon as possible!
Why is it important?
Teams is the University’s online contact interface. Through it you can participate in the courses that we will be holding online, as well as virtual events.
Microsoft Teams is also available via a web browser, but for faster access and more stable use, we recommend that you install the app on your desktop, laptop and phone!
The web version is available here.
And you can download the app here.
To log in to Teams, you must use your university email address (… and your CUSMAN password. If you have any problems logging in, please contact
Microsoft 365 is the Office package supported by Corvinus University of Budapest and is available to you for free. You can use the programme in a cloud-based web version, or you can install its various components on your computer.
We strongly recommend that you download the Outlook mail app to your phone as well and set up notifications, so you do not miss important university information!
You can access the Microsoft 365 package at any time with your university email address and your CUSMAN password, but we recommend that you prepare ahead of time and download the Outlook app after your CUSMAN registration!
If you are still unable to access the Office interface with your university ID immediately after completing your registration, there is no need to worry, due to the turnaround times, please try again after one hour.
Why is it important?
The Microsoft 365 package includes all the programmes (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.) that are essential for preparing assignments and other university work. The OneDrive cloud service allows you to share files or even edit them together.
Your university e-mail address (…, available in Outlook, will be the only communication channel you will have with the university. This is where we will send you the most important information, which is why it is so necessary that you keep track of your inbox. The importance of Teams has been explained earlier.
You can access and download Microsoft 365 software here.
To log into Microsoft 365 and Outlook, you will need to use your university email address (… and your CUSMAN password. If you have any problems logging in, please let us know at You can find more detailed instructions on how to install the program here.
Many applications, such as banks, have long been using two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect their users from potential fraud. The idea behind two-factor authentication is that, after entering your username and password, you are required to enter the 6-digit code generated by your downloaded authenticator application each time you log in.
Corvinus is also looking to improve overall system security to defend against IT security attacks. For Microsoft and neptun accounts, user authentication is therefore a mandatory two-step process.
Important to note that the neptun two-factor authentication, which requires your neptun password, should not be confused with Microsoft/CUSMAN account authentication, which of course requires the CUSMAN password!
Both neptun and Microsoft account authentication require a separate setup, they are completely distinguished systems, accessed by entering the appropriate password for each account.
The first time you log in to any Microsoft application with your university email address (e.g. Outlook, Teams) or to neptun with your neptun code and password, you will need to register a smartphone with an authenticator application (e.g. Microsoft Authenticator).
When selecting your smart device, please note that you will need the paired device for all loggings after registration. You will not be able to access the systems without entering the token running on the paired device, so please think about which device you would like to register with the systems so that you always have it with you.
Why is it important?
The measure protects not only your IT systems but also your personal data, which can help prevent you from falling victim to phishing and other fraud.
Please read the guide about the Microsoft/CUSMAN and neptun systems two-factor authentication carefully before setting up. It describes step-by-step how to set up two-factor authentication for Microsoft/CUSMAN and neptun systems. It also describes separately for Microsoft/CUSMAN and neptun accounts who you can contact for help if you encounter a problem; and answers to any questions you may have by browsing the FAQ section.
Corvinus University of Budapest has made significant digital developments in recent years to make university life more convenient and efficient for students. These developments not only help education, but also make students’ daily lives easier.
Our study administration system brings all the important information together in one platfrom and replaces the great majority of email administration. The interface offers more than 100 dynamically searchable glossaries to help you find your way around if you have a question about study administration. And if you need personalised help, you can use the interface to contact our colleagues directly, instead of the usual e-mail service, and keep track of the cases you have started.
Our online study administration system is available at any time. You can access the information you need and start a new case with your questions at any time of the day.
Why is it important?
Using the online system makes it easier and faster to manage your cases by:
- You can get to the most important study matters from the start.
- You can search dynamically. Searching is also made easier by keywords.
- Navigation is also simplified by the featured categories and articles function, where you can find the topics that are currently relevant.
- From the home page, you can see the status of your ongoing cases. Through the portal you can keep in touch with the person in charge of your case.
The online study administration system can be accessed here or via the official university website.
With the MyCorvinus app, you have the University in your pocket. It gives you quick and easy access to the most important information and services related to student life.
The MyCorvinus app can be downloaded for free from App Store and Google Play at any time, but some of its login required features will only be available to you after enrolment / neptun semester activation.
Why is it important?
The app has a range of features including timetables, grades, discounts, a map of the university and much more. You can access this information anywhere and anytime using your phone or tablet.
If you want to make your university years more comfortable, do not hesitate to download the MyCorvinus app!
The MyView interface gives students the opportunity to share their thoughts on university courses and lecturers in more detail at the end of the semester. Thanks to MyView, students can have a greater influence on the course and how the next generation learns. MyView is a key element in improving the quality of education and ensuring the personal development of our instructors.
The MyView platform is available at the end of the semester when students can share their feedback on university courses and instructors. For the exact period, please check the university communication for the start of the feedback period.
Why is it important?
Using MyView is important because:
- It allows to improve the quality of education based on student feedback.
- It helps instructors to develop and better meet students’ needs.
- The feedback will also provide a better learning experience for the following generation.
You can access MyView directly from here. You can also search for the MyView interface on the MyCorvinus Hub or in the MyCorvinus app.
The MyVoice platform provides a platform for Corvinus students to engage in the university dialogue and share their opinions on what they have experienced in class during the semester. The MyCorvinus app sends an instant notification when a lesson is ready to be assessed, and students can anonymously express their opinions, so everyone can be sure their voice is heard. Download the MyCorvinus app!
The MyVoice platform is available during the semester, so you can keep up with the university dialogue and share your opinions. Notifications will appear immediately in the MyCorvinus app when a class is available for assessment.
Why is it important?
- It allows students to give continuous feedback on their lessons, thus contributing to improving the quality of education.
- Anonymous feedback ensures that all students can feel free to express their views.
- With instant notifications, you will always know about feedback opportunities in time, so you never miss a beat.
The MyVoice platform is available through the MyCorvinus app. Download the MyCorvinus app from App Store or Google Play to access the MyVoice service and be notified of assessment opportunities.
The University’s own smart platform helps you plan your university career and life. The underlying personality test will help you to get to know yourself better and to identify your strongest competences and areas for improvement. And the accompanying mentoring programme will give you a 360-degree view of your profile, professional guidance for your university career and career advice for after graduation. We will help you plan your future so you can realise your potential!
The Corvinus University Navigator platform is available at any time, so you can start planning your university life and career whenever you want. The personality test and mentoring programme are available on an ongoing basis so that you can participate according to your schedule.
Why is it important?
- Find out which competences are your strongest and which need improvement
- You can use the modes and career anchors to choose the most useful compulsory and elective subjects for you
- Find out which student organisations and colleges to join
- You can also attend privately advertised events
- Mentors can help you get expert guidance on your academic and career path
- Receive notifications about jobs that are relevant to you
You can access Navigator’s life and career planning platform via MyCorvinus Hub. If you are interested in learning more about what it is all about, check out our two-minute video. For more details, visit our website or if you have any questions, you can also contact!
When you first log in to the Navigator on the MyCorvinus Hub, you will be asked to complete an 8-10 minute personality test, which will form the basis of your profile. It is worth taking the time to complete the questionnaire as this will give you the most accurate results. In addition to the personality test, your high school final exam results, language exams and course results from neptun will complete your profile.