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Greetings from Tamara Keszey

Dear Colleagues, 


I welcome everyone as the newly appointed Vice-Rector for Research at Corvinus University.  

First, I would like to thank my predecessor, Prof. Gyula Vastag, for his dedicated work in supporting and further developing university research. The initiatives he and his team put in place provide an excellent and solid foundation for further construction.  

Only a few areas are as international as science. If we do not try to publish in international sources as a researcher, it is as if we are only participating in domestic competitions as an athlete. Domestic competitions are important but let us not be afraid to engage in international scientific dialogue. It may not work for the first time, but I am convinced – and I see many good examples in Corvinus – that a colleague who is able to publish her or his thoughts in a Hungarian-language scientific journal will also be able to do so in international journals with a bit of help.  

Change of research culture is not a one-person show that can be accomplished in isolation, locked in an ivory tower. As Vice-Rector for Research, we, with my team, will work to further support the University’s research culture change and help colleagues to fulfil their research ambitions.  

In this, I ask for your support and active participation. We can only move forward together, shoulder to shoulder, and support each other. 


Best regards, 

Tamara Keszey 

Vice-Rector for Research 


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