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45-day long trial to APA’s reference tool

The APA Academic Writer citation management tool consists of three modules: a self-paced learning material on citations (Learning Center), a reference management tool (Reference Center), and a module supporting the creation of written works (Writing Center).
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Trial period: 27 February – 07 April, 2025 


TheLearning Centeroffers a library of hundreds of learning objects (including quick guides, tutorials, knowledge checks, and samples) for scaffolded support that can be used for independent learning or in course curriculum.See a demo. 

TheReference Centerprovides expertly created templates for proper APA Style formatting of citations, regularly updated forms for emerging reference types, and options to build, store, and tag a collection of references.See a demo.  

TheWriting Centerprovides a structured and collaborative writing environment that features templated support for scholarly writing.See a demo. 


The tool is developed by the authors of APA Style. TheAcademic Writer aligns with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), ensuring that every student and instructor always has access to a scholarly writing resource with unmatched comprehensiveness and accuracy. 

Access is available via IPonAPA’s website; use VPN for remote access. 

Have you tested it? Give usfeedback. 

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