Corvinus Team Secures 3rd Place at CaseIT 2025

The team, Sapphire Consulting – comprising Janka Tiszlavicz, Tímea Kiss, Máté Czifra and Máté Czifra (not a typo!) – are all 3rd-year BSc students.
The competition consisted of two rounds, each featuring a separate case. The Corvinus team won their division in the first round, advanced to the finals with the second case, and ultimately secured third place.
The Cases
The first case focused on Ednius, a Simon Fraser University spinoff startup providing AI-powered feedback and grading support for university professors in short open-answer questions. Student teams had five hours to analyze the case, develop solutions, and prepare a presentation, which was evaluated by expert judges and a representative from the case company.
The second case revolved around TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s regional transportation authority, as it tackles rising ridership and congestion challenges due to the city’s rapid population growth. TransLink is aiming for digital transformation, particularly through digital twin technology, which would enable predictive maintenance, real-time service optimization, and improved passenger experiences.
For this round, teams were confined to their hotel rooms for 24 hours to analyze the case and develop their recommendations. The teams had 15 minutes to present their ideas to a jury panel, which included TransLink representatives. The competition was won by the team of the University of Manchester.
The students were enrolled in the Cases on Business-IT Management course, a Digital Business specialisation course within the Business and Management programme, and a core elective for the Business Informatics and Data Science programmes. After winning the local competition, the team earned the right to represent Corvinus at CaseIT, where we have been invited since 2012.
Building on our success in local competitions, Corvinus also sends a team to the CoMIS competition in Minneapolis each year, which focuses on similar Business-IT topics.
The Corvinus preparation team included Krisztián Varga, Márta Aranyossy, and Peter Feher, supported by former international case competition alumni: Barnabas Gardai, Marton Nyikos and Gergely Pota.