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Back to news21/05/2021

Corvinus University honours Research Excellence with CKK Awards

For the first time, the Corvinus Research Excellence Awards (CKK) were presented to recognise outstanding research performance at the Corvinus University from now on.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Corvinus University of Budapest honoured colleagues who published high quality – international standard – papers. This year, a total of 52 valid applications were received, 33 of which were awarded a total of HUF 80 million gross.

The Vice-Rector for Research said that it was time for Corvinus University to recognise active, internationally visible research and to encourage all colleagues to publish in the most prestigious journals.

The evaluation of studies was based on Article Influence Score (AIS) to assess the expected future impact of a paper published in a journal based on past citation data. Papers published in journals in economics, business and social sciences that are considered to be the most prestigious will all count.

The awards are based on research results over the past three years in the following categories:

– PhD students (6 winners)

– Junior Researcher-Lecturer (8 winners)

– Senior Researcher-Lecturer (19 winners)


The judging panel consisted of Dr. Tamás Magyarics, Professor at the ELTE Institute of English and American Studies, Dr. Gábor Virág, Lecturer at the University of Toronto Mississauga, Dr. Bart Maccarthy, Professor at Notthingham University Business School, and Dr. Gyula Vastag, Vice-Rector for Research.

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