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Telex on Corvinus’ “From Employee to Entrepreneur” Bootcamp: It Offers Essential Knowledge and a Mental Boost

"Having experienced this process firsthand, I can confidently say that this course would have been a game-changer back then," writes the journalist of one of the most popular news site of Hungary, an entrepreneur, sharing their personal experiences as a participant in the Hungarian-language executive training program.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Today’s Telex article, titled So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur? Corvinus University Can Help Kickstart Your Journey!, takes readers behind the scenes of the From Employee to Entrepreneur training. One of their journalists attended the course to explore who it’s for and why it’s beneficial. Having already navigated the challenging transition from employee to entrepreneur in their own life, the author reflects: “From the inside, it’s clear this course could have been a game-changer back then. It provides valuable knowledge and a mental boost to take the leap into what might seem like a risky path.” 

The program reassures participants that they’re not alone, normalizes common anxieties, and highlights that overthinking and potential failure are natural parts of this journey—challenges faced by many in their professional endeavors. Perhaps most importantly, the course arms attendees with insights into potential pitfalls and offers practical advice on how to avoid them. 

“The training unveils ‘fast tracks’ that can help accelerate the process of getting a personal initiative on track and making it functional. Naturally, this translates into tangible outcomes, reflected in the participant’s success and revenue growth,” the author emphasizes. 

For anyone serious about becoming an entrepreneur, with ideas in mind but unsure how to embark on this adventure, this course could provide life-changing support. The next session will be held on April 11-12, with early bird registration currently available at a discounted rate here. Corvinus also offers English-language executive programs, here you can browse their current availability. 

Read the full article here (in HU). To translate the text into English, it is recommended using translation programs built into browsers.  

Photo: Telex, Bálint Barta, Photo Editorial

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