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RE-ACT final conference 

The RE-ACT project final conference held on 21 June online and in Macerata, hosted by UNIMC, was the spotlight of regional multistakeholder collaboration. It was a full day with various interventions from RE-ACT partners and guests, all around the challenges and importance of fostering engagement among different parties in regional ecosystems.

Programme Snapshot 

The theme of the event was “Multi-sectoral collaboration in European regions” and it counted with interesting and inspired interventions. The presentations of the morning session addressed:  

In the afternoon there was an opportunity to exchange views and reflect on the future of RE-ACT and other related projects. This session counted with the participation of Paul Tzimas (European Commission Policy Officer) and Zsuzsa Javorka (Project manager of HEInnovate, Technopolis Group). 

Presentations about the RE-ACT project 

There was a general presentation of RE-ACT followed by the presentation of the results and conclusions of the activities in the five RE-ACT regions. implemented by partners from: Porto Business School (Portugal), Corvinus University of Budapest Hungary), Technical University of Košice (Sklovakia), Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Romania) and University of Macerata (Italy). 

Finally, partner SERN presented the approach and plans to ensure the future sustainability of the project. 


Other Forward-looking Cooperation projects 

Other FLCPs were invited to present their results and plans for the future. RE-ACT has been dialoguing with these projects, as they deal with related issues, such as: role of HEIs in regional strategies, stakeholder engagement for regional collaboration, HEINNOVATE, etc. 

John Edwards (UASIMAP), Brigitte Ecker (BEYONDSCALE) and Cláudia Figueiredo, (THEI2.0) were the speakers.  


RIS3 revision process in Marche Region 

There were two presentations on this topic and they were very inspiring as they demonstrated how Italy’s RE-ACT project team (from UNIMC) actively collaborated with the region to promote stakeholder engagement and participate in the RIS3 review. Anna Torelli, (Marche Region Innovation, Research and Internationalisation Office) and Francesca Spigarelli (University of Macerata) were the speakers. 


Find out more about RE-ACT 

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