The New Governing Board of the Hungarian Research Network has been set up with Corvinus participation
As of 15 July, the Governing Board of the Eötvös Lóránd Research Network (ELKH) – which will be called Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) after 1 September – will be renewed on the joint recommendation of János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation and Tamás Freund, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with the consent of Balázs Gulyás, President of HUN-REN. The Board, which previously consisted of 13 members, will continue to work with 9 members. The mandates of the current board members expired on 14 July, the new members will be appointed for 6 years. The main task of the renewed Governing Board is to increase the measurable effectiveness of the Hungarian scientific research network and to strengthen its position in the international scientific arena.
The Governing Board of the Hungarian Research Network is headed by its President, Balázs Gulyás, who has been holding this position since 1 May 2023. Balázs Gulyás worked and conducted research abroad for more than 41 years, including at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and later at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, so he has a remarkable track record both as a scientist and a science organiser.
The members of the new Governing Board are as follows:
- Prof. Dr. Balázs Gulyás, President of HUN-REN (neurobiologist, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences;
- Prof. Dr. Veronika Ádám (Széchenyi Prize-winning physician, biochemist, university professor);
- Prof. Dr. Enikő Bollobás (literary historian, co-founder of the Department of American Studies at Eötvös Lóránd University);
- Dr. Hassan Charaf (Dean, Head of Department and professor at the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics);
- Prof. Dr. László Hunyady (Széchenyi Prize-winning university professor, Director of the Institute of Enzymology of the HUN-REN Faculty of Natural Sciences);
- Roland Jakab (Managing Director of Ericsson Hungary, President of the Hungarian European Business Council);
- Prof. Dr. Melinda Beatrix Kovács (Széchenyi Prize-winning veterinarian, university professor, Director of the Institute of Physiology and Nutrition at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences);
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Szabó (physicist, university professor, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Managing Director of the ELI-ALPS Laser Research Institute);
- Prof. Dr. Zoltán Oszkár Szántó (Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Head of the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS) Research Centre)
Source: MTI OS, Ministry of Culture and Innovation