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Join the Corvinus Crescendo Choir!

Do you love singing and have some experience in a choir, private singing lessons, or even musicals? Then this is the place for you! The Corvinus Crescendo Choir is welcoming new members—whether you are a current or former student, a university staff member, or an international student, you are more than welcome to join.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Founded in the fall of 2023, the choir has since performed regularly at university events, competitions, as well as in churches and retirement homes. They also have a strong connection with the university’s alumni choir, Prelude. The choir is an accredited student organization supported by the Student Union. The rehearsals are held every Wednesday between 7 PM and 8:40 PM. in Building C Auditorium VIII. 

Beyond music, Crescendo offers a vibrant and close-knit community, organizing karaoke nights, opera visits, and choir camps. This semester, they will also perform at choir festivals in Eger and Budapest. 

If you’d like to join, all you need to do is attend a rehearsal by March 4.  

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