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No cut in tuition-free university places at Corvinus

The press erroneously reported that the number of funded places at Corvinus University would decrease significantly in the next academic year.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

After the model change, from 2020 Corvinus University of Budapest no longer offers tuition-free places on a state-funded basis to its newly admitted students for its bachelor’s, master’s and single-cycle programmes. Instead, Corvinus provides students with the opportunity to study free of charge through Corvinus Scholarship, provided by the maintainer of the university, Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation.

So the claim published in several articles that Corvinus would see a reduction in state-funded places, is not true. Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted a total of 1,871 students for the 2024/25 academic year through the central admissions procedure. As of last September, 1376 Bachelor’s students, 439 Master’s students and 56 students in single-cycle programmes started their studies. Around 75% of students admitted to full-time Bachelor’s programmes and almost 100% of students admitted to full-time Master’s programmes from the Hungarian education system, can study free of charge thanks to the Corvinus Scholarship Programme provided by the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation.

For the 2025/26 academic year, Corvinus plans to offer free learning opportunities to its students at least at the same rate as last year.

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