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Neptun messaging has been restored, check your financial items and applications! 

2023-05-11 15:28:55

We would like to inform you that according to our external partner, all Neptun functions related to sending have been restored for use.

Please note that the system messages that were not sent between 27.04.2023 and 10.05.2023 have been received by you in Neptun in the last hours. For this reason, it is also important to check whether your financial item was created or the status of your submitted application has changed within the above timeframe! 

  • Check your financial item: Neptun -> Finance -> Deposit 
  • Check the status of your application: Neptun -> Administration-> Applications 

Please also note that the messaging module of neptun is for information purposes, messages will be sent to you there, but please use your email address @stud.uni-corvinus.hu for sending messages to your tutors, and the Do It Online! system for your study matters. 

You can find more information about these here and here

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